IEEE Signal Processing Malaysia Chapter 2016 AGM

Dear IEEE SP Members

In conjunction with the 26th IEEE AGM, IEEE Signal Processing Chapter will hold its Chapter Annual General Meeting on 30th January 2016 (the same day with the Section AGM). Details for the meeting is as follows:

Date:   30th January 2016
Time:  9:00 – 10:30 am
Venue: Meeting Room, Pullman Bangsar. (Designated Room will be announced later)
AGM Agenda

* Opening address by 2015 Chapter Chair

* To accept the minutes of 2015 IEEE SP AGM
* To receive Chair’s and Treasurer’s Reports for year 2015
* Dissolution of 2015 SP Committees
* Election for 2016 SP Committees
* Address by the 2016 Chapter Chair
* Other matters

A door gift will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis to those valid SP members. Hence, please bring in a valid 2016 SP Membership evidence.

Looking forward to meeting all SP Members.

Yours sincerely,

Syed Abd. Rahman Al-Attas, Ph.D., SMIEEE

IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter Chair
Computer Vision, Video, and Image Processing (CvviP) Research Lab

Dept. of Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310 Skudai,
Tel: 07-5535378
Fax: 07-5566272