IEEE-Women in Engineering Forum

Dear IEEE members,


The IEEE Malaysia Section Women in Engineering cordially invites all IEEE members to join us during a  special session at the IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) 2017 to be held at The Wembley St. Giles Premier Hotel, Penang.


We are proud to organize a forum entitled “Balancing Work and Family Life as Career Women” on 7th NOVEMBER 2017, 2.00PM – 3.30 PM.


We have invited prominent local and international female speakers from both industry and academia to share their experiences on the issue of achieving balance between career and family. The forum consists of the following panelists:


  1. Celia Shahnaz. Chair, IEEE WIE Workshops Subcommittee.
  2. Salina Abd Jalil. Former Manager, Intel Malaysia.
  3. Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman. Former Professor, King Abdul Aziz University.
  4. Simay Akar. Marketing Manager, Suzhou Telesun Solar Technologies.


and will be moderated by Nasreen Badruddin, Chair, IEEE Malaysia Section WIE.


Participants will have the chance to interact with the panelist and raise issues for discussion.


Register at to secure your seat. Registration is FREE for all TENCON 2017 participants.


Others who are interested may also register for a ONE-DAY pass to TENCON 2017 on 7th November 2017. The registration fees are as follows:

  • WIE members: RM150.00  

o   Join IEEE-WIE today for only USD25.00 (approx. RM105). Enjoy membership benefits through Dec. 2018. WIE membership is FREE for IEEE student, graduate student and life members.

  • Non-WIE members: RM250.00


Register at Instructions for payments are given on the registration page.




See you there!



Nasreen Badruddin, PhD

Chair, IEEE Malaysia Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group


Associate Professor,

Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak


Phone: +605-368 7841