
  1. Satu taklimat mengenai Introduction to Comprehensive STEM Online Courseware akan diadakan seperti butiran di bawah :

Tarikh     :   3 Ogos 2017 (Khamis)

Masa       :   2.30 petang – 4.30 petang                  
Tempat   :   Dewan UTMLead

2.     Semua staf akademik yang berminat adalah dijemput hadir.



Möbius is built on the notion that people learn by doing. Your students can explore important concepts using engaging, interactive applications, visualize problems and solutions, and test their understanding by answering questions that are graded instantly. Throughout the entire lesson, students remain actively engaged with the material and receive constant feedback that solidifies their understanding.

Today’s students are used to instant results in almost everything they do. Möbius allows you to integrate powerful, dynamic learning and assessment tools throughout your online course materials, so your students receive constant feedback that keeps them engaged and on-track.

It is designed especially for mathematics, science, engineering, and technology courses, Möbius provides the tools you need to author and deliver rich, engaging online offerings for STEM education.

Developing an effective, high-quality online education courses requires the right balance between volume and quality of content, interactivity, and speed and ease of access. Achieving this balance can provide numerous benefits to institutions, instructors and students alike, including but not limited to the following:

  • Reduction in overhead costs
  • More cost-effective delivery of, and access to, education
  • Access to institutions without geographical constraints
  • Increased class sizes
  • Easing the burden on teachers with automatic grading and data analysis tools
  • Increased convenience and ease of accessibility
  • Customized learning experiences

Most institutions realize the inevitability of moving education online, but encounter challenges in practice. It is essential that institutions invest the time and resources to make the move to online education correctly. A significant part of that process is selecting the right courseware platform; one that is effective, interactive, innovative, and designed specifically to meet the particular requirements of STEM courses.


  • Introduction to comprehensive STEM online Courseware – designed by Maple & Mobius
  • Integrating with e-learning.
  • A whole list of available on-line courses
  • complete automated online testing and assessment systems
  • Moodle integrate with Mobius system

Sekian terima kasih.

Priscilla A/P Prapagara

Pembantu Tadbir

Pusat Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (CTL)

Pusat Kepimpinan Akademik (UTMLead)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

81310 Johor Bahru


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