Invitation to Knowledge Sharing Talk: Huawei Visit by Dr Naz’ri Mahrin

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera to all UTM AIS academic staff,

Prof./Assoc. Prof/Dr./Mr/Ms,

Publication and Seminar Taskforce is pleased to invite all of UTM AIS academic staff to Knowledge Sharing Session: Huawei Visit that will be held on 27th April 2016 (Wednesday) afternoon. The session by Dr Naz’ri Mahrin is aimed to share his experience during the recent visit to Huawei HQ in Shenzhen, China.
The details of the event is as the followings:
Speaker : Dr. Naz’ri Mahrin
Title       : Knowledge Sharing Session: Huawei Visit
Date       : 27th April 2016 (Wednesday)
Time      : 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm
Venue    : Meeting room, Level 5, UTM AIS