La Reverie 3


On Sunday 23th July 2016, SDAR Symphonic Band performed at Kolej Tuanku Jaafar (KTJ) Mantin.  The La Reverie 3 concert is the 3rd in the series performed by the boys.  KTJ has a magnificent hall with a very good sound system.  The setting is comfortable and the boys can play the instruments at their best.


Since the college is a bit far from the hiway, the concert started a bit late as most of the guests had a bit of a problem finding the place.


The concert was divided into two acts.  The first consists of English songs and medleys.  The audience was very well entertained with hit songs from the Beatles and ABBA.  Not forgetting the wonderful performance of difficult music scores of Around the world in 80 days and the African medley.


The entr’acte lasted for about 15 minutes.  While waiting, we went out to stretch our legs.  The guests were busy buying drinks and snacks.  They also took the opportunity to take photos outside the hall.  By the way, we were not supposed to record anything inside the hall during the performance.  So the photos here were all taken either before, during entr’acte and after the show.


The guest artist for the night was Nash, formerly from the famous rock group Lefthanded. He sang 3 songs.  My favourite was of course – Ku di halaman Rindu 🙂


The second act was better than the first one.  The composition of the Malay songs rearranged by En Suhaimi was amazingly beautiful.  I have heard TKC WO played Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) wonderfully well.  In fact I have also heard the music at PGL show itself.  But the arrangement of the piece from PGL performed by the SDAR Symphonic Band actually brought tears to my eyes.  Lovely.


The performance ended with a medley of hari raya songs.  Everyone enjoyed the show very much.  Sweet and simple but at the same time memorable.


The guest of honor for the night was Dato’ Johari Salleh.  The boys had a nice surprise when he actually insisted to go on the stage and personally said a few words to them.  I am sure he enjoyed their performance as much as I do.


The proud father with his saxophonist son.


SDAR band president 2016 with TKC band president 1987 😀


Firdaus mom and I used to study at the same school way back in the 80s.  Now these boys are both classmates.  It’s a small world after all right?