LAST CALL: 1-Day Short Course on Adaptive & Intelligent Control by Prof M.Osman Tokhi

Dear All,

MACE in collaboration with CAIRO is organizing a 1-Day Short Course on Adaptive & Intelligent Control by Prof M.Osman Tokhi from University of Sheffield, UK.

The course will be held on 26th August 2016 at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

For inquiries, please email to :

A brief description on Prof Tokhi:


Prof. M. Osman Tokhi is a professor at Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield, U.K.

His current research interests including Active noise and vibration control, Adaptive/intelligent and soft computing, modelling and control,

Assistive robotics, and High-performance architectures for real-time signal processing and control.


Please disseminate this email to your colleagues and friends and show your interest by responding to this link (Facebook Event):

Thank You and Best Regards,

Nenny Ruthfalydia Rosli

M. Eng. on Electrical Engineering

Research Officer

Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Jalan Semarak

54100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2615 4695

Fax: 03-2697 0815
