Nominations for the CASS Student Awards

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society offer a number of awards each year, many with monetary rewards for the winner. The Pre-Doctoral Scholarship and Student Travel Awards are specifically intended for students.

Nominations should be submitted online by 15 February 2016.
Nominations for the CASS Student Awards require submission from their supervisor,
forward this email along to your designated supervisor for nomination purposes.

CAS Pre-Doctoral Scholarship Award

CASS offers two pre doctoral fellowships to recognize a young member enrolled in a PhD program in a field related to the Circuits and Systems Society field of interest. The recipient of the award will receive compensation of up to USD $1000 for travel to ISCAS to receive the award of USD $25,000, which can be used at the student’s discretion as a stipend or/and to cover tuition and fees. Two scholarships will be awarded each year.
Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors to be considered include:

  • A CASS Member for at least two years and enrolled in a PhD program related to the field of interest of CAS,
  • Applicants must provide evidence of strong CASS involvement,
  • Past performance,
  • Expected outcome of the research program and how it advances the state-of-the-art,
  • Significance of research,
  • and existing financial support.

Nomination Package: The nomination must not exceed 3 pages and should include:

  • Description of the PhD study plan
  • The expected outcome of the research program and how it advances the state-of-the-art
  • Evidences showing the significance of the research (papers, patents)
  • Disclosure of any available and/or secured financial support

The following items should be given as attachments:

  • Endorsement from his/her supervisor
  • Certificate/evidence of the enrollment in a PhD program (student ID card)
  • CV (with academic records)

The winners of the award are expected to report to CASS on their progress (including list of publications) twice: first at the end of the following academic year and second when completing their Ph.D. studies. Also, a report will be sent to all previous winners annually to update the CAS Society on the recipients achievements.

Click here to view the form.


Questions regarding awards and nominations should be sent to the CASS Administrator at

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