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Do you have any research related to Islamic Studies?
Fiqh and Science?
Islamic civilization?
Want to share your research and knowledge on current Islamic studies research, Fiqh, Science and Technology?
Let’s join us!!! Share your expert and research with us!
??? ????????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??????? ??? ???????????? (?????????)in Conjunction with ??? ????????????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????????? (??????????)“???? ??????? ??? ??????????: ????, ??????? ??? ?????? ??????????”
1. The development of Fiqh Science and Technology
2. Technology in Islamic Education
3. Islamic History and civilization in Science and Technology
4. Halal and Fiqh Science
5. Technology in Islamic economics and finance
6. Shariah and laws related to technology
7. Technology in Da’wah and leadership
8. Technology of faith and thought
9. Technology in Islamic psychology and counselling
10. Other issues related to the Fiqh Science and Technology, and Islamic StudiesLanguages
1. Bahasa Melayu
2. English
اللغة العربية .3
Please submit your abstract and join us!
Important date:
?️ Abstract submissi
on deadline: 30 July 2022
? Abstract acceptance notification: 10 August 2022
? Extended Abstract Deadline: 25 August 2022
? Acceptance notification deadline: 14 September 2022
? Conference dates: 27 – 28 September 2022
All submitted extended Abstract will be published in ?-??????????
How to submit?Please log on to https://humanitiesutm.my/ticssh2022
Contact person
Dr. Mohd Khairy Kamarudin
Dr. Muhammad Talhah Jima’ain
Dr. Mohammad Naqib Hamdan