Mesyuarat Fakulti Bil.2/2022

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Mesyuarat Fakulti Bil.2/2022
Dimaklumkan terdapat pindaan masa bagi program tersebut iaitu
Tarikh : 10 Oktober 2022 (Isnin)
Masa : 2.30 ptg
Lokasi : Bilik Kuliah 8, N24, UTM.
Mohon maaf atas kesulitan. Tqvm.

International Action Research Competition 2022 (i-ARC2022)

?Great News!
International Action Research Competition 2022 (i-ARC2022)
Join us and stand a chance to win GOLD medals and other prizes!!!
✳️ Theme: Action Research: Teaching and Learning Intervention in the New Norm
?️ Date: 24th November 2022
Stay Tuned for Registration on 3rd October 2022
?Registration Link:
Any inquiries, please email to:
For further information, please visit:
i-ARC2022 Website:
i-ARC2022 telegram group:
Save the date and see you soon!!!

Postgraduate Seminar in Education (POSE2022)

?Great News!
‘Postgraduate Seminar in Education (POSE2022)’
The School of Education Research Study Taskforce, School of Education, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities (FSSH) UTM, would like to invite you to attend our first-ever Postgraduate Seminar in Education (POSE2022), scheduled as follow:
? Date: 10th of October 2022 (Monday)
⏰ Time: 9:00 am
? Theme: Sustainability, Education & Digitalization
⚙️ FSSH Webex Link:
⚙️ FSSH Facebook Link:
? Website Link:
You are cordially invited to attend the POSE22 and it’s OPEN for EVERYONE!
Save the date and don’t miss the opportunity to join us and get yourself an e-Cert for your attendance.


Sukacita warga FSSH mengucapkan tahniah kepada ‪Prof. Dr. Arieff Salleh Rosman atas lantikan sebagai Dekan Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan bagi tempoh tiga (3) tahun berkuatkuasa pada 01 Oktober 2022 hingga 30 September 2025.
Semoga FSSH akan terus cemerlang di bawah pimpinan Prof demi agama, bangsa & negara atas prinsip Kerana Tuhan Untuk Manusia serta di bawah tagline Mendidik & Menginsan.
Fakulti berharap dengan pelantikan ini juga akan mendorong YBhg. Prof untuk terus memberikan perkhidmatan yang bermutu tinggi seterusnya dapat menyumbang bakti kepada Fakulti dan Universiti.

Terima kasih YBhg.Profesor Ts. Dr. Zaidatun Tasir

Ahli Pengurusan dan seluruh Warga Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan merakam kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan setinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada YBhg.Profesor Ts. Dr. Zaidatun Tasir di atas kepimpinan, tunjuk ajar, kerjasama, khidmat bakti, sokongan dan segala bentuk sumbangan sepanjang dalam tempoh perkhidmatan sebagai Dekan FSSH mulai 1 Oktober 2019 hingga 30 September 2022.Semoga segala sumbangan jasa, dedikasi, kepakaran, pengalaman dan komitmen cemerlang YBhg Prof menjadi inspirasi yang wajar diteladani oleh seluruh warga FSSH, seterusnya mendapat keberkatan dan kerahmatanNya yang berpanjangan. Semoga Prof akan terus menyumbang bakti selepas ini atas kepakaran dan pengalaman bernilai yang ada.Kami mendoakan kesejahteraan, kesihatan yang baik serta semoga Allah SWT mempermudahkan segala urusan YBhg. Prof. di masa hadapan. Jasa Dekan menjadi ingatanTeguran dan gurauan semua kenanganSegala kekhilafan harap dimaafkanSemoga silaturahim kita berpanjanganTerbang helang hingga ke awanPerginya jauh merentas lautanTerima kasih kami ucapkanBudi baik menjadi ingatan#fssheart#mendidikdanmenginsan#keranatuhanuntukmanusia

❤️Student Exchange Programme ?

❤️Student Exchange Programme ?
Greetings to all UTM students !
University of Ulsan, Korea is calling for the application of Spring 2023 Students Exchange Program.
Commencing date : 1st March – 21st June 2023
Eligibility : All UTM Students
Dateline : 10th October 2022
For information on the programmes/courses/subjects offered at Host, please visit:
Interested applicants have to submit all required documents and fill up the UTM application form (with funding) at Please submit the completed form at: UTM International, Block S19, UTM Johor Bahru.
For other programmes information, kindly visit our website at or Telegram –


Been missing our latest announcements and sharings? What you need to do is change the setting on your FB apps.
Set the UTM Facebook page as Favorites and now you are set to receive our updates on your FB newsfeed.

A Hand’s on Class to Convert Proposal-to-Review-Journal

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera,
Dear All,
Fret not! You still have opportunity to attend the free talk by Dr. Thavamaran Kanesan. If you are eager to know more on how to convert proposal to review journal, you are welcome to attend this program as follows:
? Title: A Hand’s on Class to Convert Proposal-to-Review-Journal: The Finale for 2022!
? Date: 7th September 2022 (Wednesday)
?️ Time: 2.30pm – 4.30pm
? Speaker: Dr. Thavamaran Kanesan (Chief Editor & Founder of Proofreading by A UK PhD)
?️ Platform: Cisco WebEx
?Meeting Link:
?Meeting number: 2518 488 9000
?Password: ybHeb8eVj24
?Please spread this good news to your colleagues and don’t forget to pre-register through:
?E-certificate will be given & Attendance will be recorded in UTMAcad

Coffee Session

Greetings on behalf of PGSS ☺️
Coffee Session: Maintaining Laboratory Safety Throughout Research
All UTM staff and students are cordially invited to the upcoming Coffee Session “Maintaining Laboratory Safety Throughout Research”, which is organized by Postgraduate Student Society – Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (PGSS-MJIIT) in collaboration with Postgraduate Student Society – School of Chemical & Energy Engineering (PGSS-SCEE), Postgraduate Student Society – Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics (PGSS-RFTI), and Postgraduate Student Society – Azman Hashim International Business School (PGSS-AHIBS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
The event details are as follows:
??‍?Speaker: Dr. Abd Halim Md Ali (MJIIT Senior Lecturer & Laboratory Manager)
?Date: 29/09/2022 (Thursday)
⏰Time: 11.00 am to 12.30 pm | (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
?Platform: Cisco Webex Meeting
Webex link:
Meeting No.: 2512 419 4972
Password: cA3Hhx4wQK4
Register and grab a seat now by:
?Using the pre-registration link:
Thank you and see you soon!!
PGSS MJIIT 2021/2022, PGSS SCEE 2021/2022, PGSS RFTI 2021/2022, & PGSS AHIBS 2021/2022
? UTM ACAD merit and e-certificate will be provided
? Follow us on Facebook

Sweet Sour Postgraduate Journey

Assalamualaikum & Greetings,
All UTM staff and students are cordially invited to join this upcoming coffee session entitled “Sweet Sour Postgraduate Journey” organized by the PGSS FS in collaboration with the School of Graduate Studies (SPS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
? Title: Sweet Sour Postgraduate Journey
? Speaker: Dr. Syaza Binti Azhari (USIM), Dr Siri Nisrin Binti Mohd Anis (UTM) and Mr. Muhammad Hafiiz Bin Hamzah (Director Fero Flo Engineering Sdn. Bhd)
? Date: 27/09/2022 (Tuesday)
⏰ Time: 9:00 AM – 11:30 PM (Kuala Lumpur)
?️ Platform: Online Cisco-Webex (link will be provided by email that is used in pre-registration)
? Pre-registration form:
Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your spirit and be totally prepared for any challenge thriving, surviving and excellently completing your postgraduate study!!
? UTM ACAD merit and e-certificate will be provided
Any inquiries? Feel free to approach
?Wan Faezah Wan Azmi:
?Nur Amirah Ibrahim :
Thank you & see you soon!
Best Regards,
Postgraduate Student Society Faculty of Science (PGSS FS)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310 UTM, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.