Online Learning Resources website

UTM has started online class since 1st April 2020. As lecturers, we are trying as hard so that we can to help students learning and graduate on time.

But the struggle to have the usual face to face classes turned to a fully online class are real. Especially when we also parents who need to manage our family and other management activity at the same time when working from home.

It is difficult but not impossible.

As one of the members of Online Learning Taskforce under Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and Internationalization (DVCAI) we have been requested to help all UTM instructors to quickly reimagine, repurpose and revolutionise the conventional face-to-face teaching style to suit the online environment.

Visit for all the online training recording and additional online learning guideline has been prepared by all the taskforce members.

Kajian kesediaan pelajar UTM terhadap pembelajaran dalam talian

Assalamu’alaikum dan Salam Sejahtera kepada semua pelajar,Bagi tujuan mengenal pasti kesediaan terhadap pengajaran & pembelajaran dalam talian dan pergerakan pelajar UTM semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan disebabkan COVID-19, anda diminta mengisi borang ini.
Terima kasih atas kerjasama yang diberikan.

Assalamu’alaikum and Greetings to all students,
For the purpose of identifying UTM students’ readiness for online teaching & learning and movement during Restricted Movement Order due to COVID-19, you are required to fill out this form.
Thank you for your cooperation.