2018 International Conference On Creative and Innovative Technology in Education (i-CITE2018) i-CITE2018 to be held in Johor, MALAYSIA from 24th to 25th July 2018. All paper submissions will undergo double-blind peer review process. All accepted full papers will be published in Advanced Science Letters (www.aspds.com/science), a SCOPUS indexed journal once they meet the requirements of the Journal quality review.. Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research. Areas of interest includes, but are not limited to the following tracks: Primary education Secondary education Tertiary education Distance education Blended learning M-learning Learning Analytic Emerging technologies Learning management system (LMS) Virtual learning environments (VLE) Web 2.0 Tools & applications Artificial intelligence Pedagogical strategies Game based design Ubiquitous learning Gamification Augmented reality Personalized Learning STEM learning Cloud Computing in Education Internet of Things (IOT) Big data in education Important Dates: Submission abstract : 31st January 2018 Notification of Abstract Acceptance : 28th February 2018 Submission of full paper : 31st March 2018 Notification of Full Paper Acceptance : 31st May 2018 Final Paper Submission : 30th June 2018 Early Bird deadline : 15th June 2018 Registration deadline : 15th July 2018 EDAS Paper Submission : http://edas.info/N24266 Further information can be obtained from the following website : https://people.utm.my/icite2018/ Kindly disseminate this information to your colleagues, students and other interested parties. Thank you for your kind attention. See you there!
Tag: Scopus listed
Video Based Learning Embedded with Cognitive Load Theory: Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic Learners’ Perspectives
My 2nd paper accepted to be presented during the LaTiCE 2014 in conjunction with RCEE & RHEd 2014 conference is
“Video Based Learning Embedded with Cognitive Load Theory: Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic Learners’ Perspectives”
This paper is written by me and my students. Norah Md Noor, Munirah Aini, & Nurul ‘Izzati Hamizan. It was written based on our research that had been done in 2013 under UTM Instructional Development Grant.
Abstract for the paper is as follows:
Many research studies have shown that using video as an instructional material in class has a positive impact on the students. However, it is still an open question as to whether learning using video works with all type of students and as to who actually gains more than other types of students when learning using video. Chen, Czerwinski, and Macredie [1] found that individual visual ability affects information seeking on the Web and lessens the effects of cognitive load theory. So, what about the auditory and kinaesthetic learners? This study was conducted to investigate visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learners’ preferences towards learning using video embedded with cognitive load theory. 10 respondents within the age range of 20-24 years old have been voluntarily involved with this study. The instruments used in this research are a questionnaire set and three learning portfolios. The instruments examine the respondents’ learning styles, perception, comments, and suggestions about video-based learning selected by the researcher that were embedded with cognitive load theory. The data were analysed qualitatively using content analysis strategy. Even though the early expectation was that visual learners would be concerned about visuals more than other learner types, this research shows that all of them prefer similar elements. These include clear instruction, high visual and audio quality, and an easy-to follow strategic flow of the video. However, every learner group has its own additional characteristics that might be able to inspire its learning optimization.
Keyword: Cognitive load theory, video based learning, learning using video, auditory learners, visual learners, and kinaesthetic learners
This paper can be found in IEEE Explore,
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-1-4799-3592-5/14
DOI : 10.1109/LaTiCE.2014.19
LaTiCE 2014 in conjunction with RCEE and RHeD 2014
On 11-13 April 2014, University Teknologi Malaysia and IEEE Computer Society had organize the International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE) in conjunction with Regional Conference in Engineering Education & Research in Higher Education (RCEE & RHEd) 2014 at Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak.
The conference intention is to create a platform towards sharing current practices and rigorous research being conducted in computing and engineering education as well as Higher education. All paper presented in this conference will be indexed in IEE Explore which is included in SCOPUS.
We hope that the conference was a huge success, provide high quality research presentations in three parallel tracks, inspiring keynotes, and strengthen the network. We also wish that all the participants had a fantastic experience in Borneo.
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Apa tu Index citation, ISI, SCOPUS, Index Proceeding, Impact Factor …?
Masih tak berapa faham apa itu ISI Jurnal, Scopus Listed Paper, Index Proceeding, impact factor dan pelbagai lagi terma yang berkaitan dengan penulisan kertas kerja ke?
Ok, disini saya senaraikan link yang menerangkan hal-hal di atas.
Semoga perkongsian ilmu ini dapat lebih memahamkan lagi saya dan anda semua.
1.What is difference between impact factor and impact index of journals?
2. Index citation, ISI, SCOPUS, Impact Factor tu amende bro? oleh Dr OTT
3. Comparing Open Access Journal with ISI Journals by UTM Library Research Support Team
4. Jurnal Ranking by UTM Library Research Support Team
5. Understanding Journal Impact Factor (part 1 and part 2)
- http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/information-culture/2012/05/07/understanding-the-journal-impact-factor-part-one/
- http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/information-culture/2012/06/24/understanding-the-journal-impact-factor-part-two/
6. Scimago Journal and Country Rank (SJR), as an alternative to Thomson Reuters’s Impact Factor and EigenFactor.
Journal Berwasit dalam senarai ISI Web of Knowledge
Seperti yang saya kongsi dalam artikel sebelum ini tentang bagaimana nak semak samada jurnal adalah diindeks oleh ISI atau SCOPUS, kali ni saya nak cerita macamana nak tahu impact factor jurnal tersebut pula.
Untuk ini, kita perlu pergi ke laman ISI menerusi laman web perpustakaan masing-masing. Tak boleh suka-suka hati je nak tengok tau. Kena berdaftar.
Bagi pelajar UTM, boleh klik pada online database daripada laman berikut
Anda perlukan ACID id untuk akses online database ni tau.
Kemudian, cari Web Of Science dan anda akan dibawa ke link ISI web of science.
Kemudian pilih tab > Additional Resources dan klik Journal Citation Reports
Pilih tahun laporan dan kemudian anda boleh teruskan mencari nama Jurnal yang anda ingin tahu.
Contohnya : Journal Adult Education Quarterly
Anda akan dipaparkan dengan maklumat berikut.
Artikel ni untuk peringatan diri sendiri yang setiap kali nak cari impact factor, asyik-asyik tanya pakcik google. Mudah-mudahan masalah saya ni akan membantu rakan-rakan dan pelajar saya dikemudian hari nanti.
Senarai Jurnal Scopus dan ISI
Sebagai pensyarah di UTM yang merupakan salah satu Universiti Penyelidikan di Malaysia, kami dah tak tak digalakkan lagi menghantar kertas kerja penyelidikan di jurnal-jurnal yang tiada berwasit (impact factor). Malah, kalau nak hantar ke seminar pun kalau boleh proceeding akan diindekskan oleh pengkalan data ISI atau SCOPUS
Tapi… macamana nak tahu samada jurnal tu tersenarai atau tidak dalam SCOPUS atau ISI?
Untuk ISI atau Web Of Science Directory, klik pada link berikut
Kemudian, masukkan no ISSN atau nama jurnal yang dicari. Kalau ada tersenarai dalam ISI ni, InsyaAllah akan keluarlah maklumat lengkap jurnal tersebut. Kalau takda? Faham-faham ajalah yek.
Kalau nak cari di SCOPUS pula, klik link berikut
Lepas tu, sama juga, masukkan nama jurnal atau no ISSN atau publisher. Yang ni lagi lengkap tau, siap ada statistik sepanjang 3 tahun. Kemudian, langkah seterusnya adalah… hantar kertas kerja, review, betulkan, hantar balik dan seterusnya 🙂
Kalau nak tahu Impact Factor journal dibawah senarai ISI pulak macamana? lepas ni saya share… tunggu.