Biotic Farming and Urban Farming

Yesterday, September 4th 2018; 4 of my PG students and I went to ICA Pagoh, UTM for a short workshop on The future of Agriculture: Biotic Farming and Urban Farming. I meant short because it was only for 2 hours yet the workshop was very informative and an eye opener.

For those non-biologist; biotic means anything related to living organisms and in biotic farming, it is about the used of living organisms from all levels to improve farming. Meanwhile, urban farming means farming in urban or city/town area. At the end of the course, a small certificate of attendance along with the handing out of hydroponic kit by Prof Dr Roji Sarmidi to each participant. It was worth the 3hr++ trip back and forth ๐Ÿ™‚

I challenged my students to see who gets to grow the lettuce the best ๐Ÿ™‚

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