MSc Internal Examiner

  1. Nur Hidayah Jamal Abd Nasir, Isolation and charaterisation of chalcone synthase gene from Melastoma decemfidum Roxb Ex Jack., 2013
  2. Nor’ain Abdul Rahman, Secondary Metabolites from Adventitious Root Culture and Cytotoxic Activity of Melastoma decemfidum, 2016
  3. Siti Atiqah Zainul Alam, Association Mapping for Seed Germination Traits under Salinity Stress in Elite Rice Germplasms, 2016
  4. Alexander Ray A/L Rayiappan, The Distribution of Heavy Metal Ions and Its Effecton Agronomic Traits in Capsicum annum, 2016
  5. Siti Farah Abu Kassim, Association Mapping for Tolerance to Ferrous Toxicity at Germination Stage in Elite Rice Germlasm, 2017
  6. Noor Ashraf Noor Azman, 2017
  7. Ng Ja Ming, Characterisation of Embryogenicity in Malaysian Rice Callus and Plant Regeneration, 2017
  8. Intan Nursuraya Zakaria, 2018
  9. Shivaranjini A/P Gunasekaran. In silico Modelling of Pattern recognition Receptor EFR and Molecular Interaction with Pathogen Associated Molecular Pattern  elf18, 2019