Al-Jazari’s Elephant Clock

Salim al-Hassani:1001 Inventions

1001 Inventions and The Library of Secrets

Online Sources on The Malay World

  1. MALAY CIVILIZATION PORTAL – The portal has been developed by a research team of the Institute of Malay Wold and Civilization (ATMA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The project led by Dr Zawiyah Baba was funded by DAGS Fund, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOSTI). The contents of the portals:
    1. Pangkalan Data ATMA (PADAT) – The ATMA Data Base
    2. Karya JAWI (Works in Jawi/ Arabic alphabet in Malay Language)
    3. Sejuta Pantun ( A Million of Pantuns/ Malay traditional poetic form or rhyme)
  2. MALAY CONCORDANCE PROJECT(MCP)- The concordance is free for everyone who’s interested in classical Malay literature. Yes, it’s free but with three condition, i.e., to let them know if there is any error or inconsistency; to acknowledge the project and of course the contributors if you cite any article from the concordance; and to contribute if you have any new text in a digital form. The MCP is developed by  a team from the Australian National University (ANU). The contributors are renowned in  the field, including Annabel Gallop, Virginia Hooker,  Jan Van der Putten, Amin Sweeney etc.

Book: A World Without Islam

Sebelum menaiki pesawat, saya mengambil kesempatan meninjau himpunan buku-buku yang tersusun rapi di rak-rak di MPH Lapangan Terbang Senai, Johor. Mata tiba-tiba tertarik kepada sebuah buku berwarna biru. Wah. tajuknya memang kontroversi – A World without Islam. Dunia tanpa Islam. Hati saya terus meneka yang penulis buku ini paling-paling tidak adalah bekas CIA. Tangan segera meraih buku tersebut. Mata terus tertancap pada nama pengarang. Graham E. Fuller. Sah. Benar agakan saya. Mr Fuller pernah menyandang jawatan Vice Chairman of the National Intelligence Council at CIA.

Walaupun buku ini kali pertama diterbitkan di New York pada Ogos 2010 oleh Little, Brown and Company, ianya masih relevan untuk situasi dunia masa kini yang saban hari dihidangkan dengan berita-berita mengenai terrorisme, IS dan Islamophobia. Buku di tangan belum lagi dibayar, tapi saya sempat berangan-angan untuk membincangkan buku ini dalam kelas TITAS pada semester hadapan. A world without Islam pada awalnya diterbitkan dalam bentuk hard cover tapi kemudiannya diterbitkan pada 2011 dan 2012 dalam bentuk paperback. Alhamdulillah, mampulah nak beli dengan harga RM36.90.

Buku ini dibahagikan kepada 3 bahagian utama dan mengandungi 14 bab:

Bahagian 1 Heresy and Power

  1. Islam and the Abrahamic Faiths
  2. Power, Heresy and the Evolution of Christianity
  3. Byzantium versus Rome: Warring Christian Polarities
  4. Islam Meets Eastern Christianity
  5. The Great Crusades (1095-1272)
  6. Shared Echoes: The Protestant Reformation and Islam

Bahagian 2 Meeting at the Civilizational Borders of Islam

7. The ” Third Rome” and Russia: Russia Inherits the Orthodox Legacy

8. Russia and Islam: Byzantium Lives!

9. Muslims in the West: Loyal Citizens of Fifth Column?

10. Islam and India

11. Islam and China


Bahagian 3 The Place of Islam in the Modern World

12. Colonialism, Nationalism, Islam and the Independence Struggle

13. War, Resistance, Jihad and Terrorism

14. What to do? Toward a New Policy with the Muslim World

Koleksi Tesis dan Kajian Ilmiah Bahasa Arab

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Reading Material: Samuel Huttington’s Theory on Clash of Civilization

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