adalah web site Classical Arabic Linguistic Reference untuk rujukan mengenai peristilahan kosa kata Bahasa Arab. Menariknya ia memuatkan pelbagai kamus dan leksikon Bahasa Arab dari seawal bermulanya pengumpulan ilmu bahasa dan linguistik pada kurun pertama Hijrah hingga kini.
Online Sources on The Malay World
Posted on December 19, 2016 ·
- MALAY CIVILIZATION PORTAL – The portal has been developed by a research team of the Institute of Malay Wold and Civilization (ATMA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The project led by Dr Zawiyah Baba was funded by DAGS Fund, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOSTI). The contents of the portals:
- Pangkalan Data ATMA (PADAT) – The ATMA Data Base
- Karya JAWI (Works in Jawi/ Arabic alphabet in Malay Language)
- Sejuta Pantun ( A Million of Pantuns/ Malay traditional poetic form or rhyme)
- MALAY CONCORDANCE PROJECT(MCP)- The concordance is free for everyone who’s interested in classical Malay literature. Yes, it’s free but with three condition, i.e., to let them know if there is any error or inconsistency; to acknowledge the project and of course the contributors if you cite any article from the concordance; and to contribute if you have any new text in a digital form. The MCP is developed by a team from the Australian National University (ANU). The contributors are renowned in the field, including Annabel Gallop, Virginia Hooker, Jan Van der Putten, Amin Sweeney etc.