Speech oh speech_Part 1

As someone who is not trained in TEASL, teaching English is challenging.  Sometimes I feel like I am an impostor, pretender as if I am well-versed in English.  Well, I did write my PhD thesis in English but it does not mean that I am qualify to teach English at secondary school level.  This is my initial thought when I did my Latihan Ikhtisas.  I hate the feeling of being an impostor.  A fake English teacher.  That’s the label that I give to myself.  But, based on my training as an instructor at university level and armed with research experiences, I know how to search and research information related to whatever things that I have to teach.  So, that’s why I don’t rely too much on textbooks or whatever reference books because my sources are varied.   If I found something useful for my students, I would revise it again and make it into handouts.  For every single composition, I include tips and techniques part so students get quick review on what to expect when writing a composition.  An example of that as the following:

Tips and techniques: Opinions, talks and speeches

  1. Know the format of a talk/speech.
Greeting and introduction


Beginning of speech



–         Presents a topic/problem/issue

–         Gives information/ examples



–         Conclude a topic/problem/issue

–         Thank the audience


  1. Read the question carefully. Are you asked to use all the points given or some of the points?
  2. Present your points concisely.
  3. You can use the following phrases to structure your speech.
  4. Know your target audience.

List of Useful Phrases for Public Speaking

  1. When you want to start the conversation/speech
  • A very good morning I bid to all of you.
  • Good morning to the examiners [or judges] and all my fellow candidates [friends].
  1. When you want to introduce your audience with your point/view/opinion
  • The situation I have been given is…
  • According to the situation…
  • Based on the situation given…
  • I have 3 reasons to justify my point.
  • First and foremost/ Firstly,
  • I would like to tell….
  1. When you want to link your previous point(s) with the following point(s)
  • Secondly,…
  • My second point is…
  • Another reason is…
  • Furthermore/Moreover/In addition,…
  • Therefore/Hence/Thus,…
  • However/ In contrast,…
  • Other than that/ On the other hand,…
  • Conversely,…
  • Consequently/ Subsequently,…
  • For example/For instance,…
  • Take for example,…… and so on/many more/ others
  1. When you want to conclude or end your part
  • Finally/ Lastly,
  • Last but not least,…
  • In conclusion/As a conclusion/ To conclude….
  • In short/In a nutshell,…

Sample question:

Your school is organising a competition in line with the celebration of “Character Building Day”.  You decide to participate in the competition and deliver a talk about influential people that influence a person’s character or qualities. 

Use the points below to write your talk.

  • character can be influenced by person – parents are the most influential
  • parents know children – birth – spend most time with
  • children imitate parents’ behaviour – similarity of behaviour
  • parents are first educator – manners learn at home
  • children learn values from parents – values reflect on character

Sample speech: 

Hi, a very good morning to the judges and my fellow friends. As we are talking about how a person’s character can be influenced by another person, the people whom I think have the most influence in a person’s life are parents. There are three reasons why I think so.

Firstly, parents are the people whom know us since birth. We become like the person whom we spend the most time with. Parents are the people whom we see every day from the moment we are born, until the day we are adults. Hence, very naturally, they become the people whom we look up to and start imitating the way they talk, act, and even think.  There are several proverbs to illustrate the similarity of character or qualities between parents and their children.  Examples of the proverbs are “Like father, like son” or “An apple does not fall far from the tree”. 

My second reason is because parents are the first educators to their children before anybody else. Table manners and basic etiquettes are taught at home, by the parents.  It is also the parents’ responsibility to inculcate good manners and conducts of their child.  Parents leave huge impacts on us that we ourselves fail to recognize it sometimes. 

Thirdly, parents are the ones who impart values into our lives. Values are assets which we hold on to for the rest of our lives and this is the greatest influence of all. Values are what we make our decisions upon, and it is what shapes our character.  Our behaviour reflects on the values that we have.  In addition, the values that we have also reflect our parents’ personality and values that they adhere to.  Thus, it is important for the parents to impart good values because their children’s personality and values would mirror their own personality and values.

In conclusion, I think that though there may be many others who can influence a person’s character such as teachers and peers but ultimately, parents are the greatest influencers of all. With that, I conclude my speech. Thank you very much.

349 words

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.