Part 1 – Grief and bereavement: My personal experience

I learned about grief and bereavement when I took psychology courses during my undergraduate and masters. Theoretically, the features, cycle of grief and bereavement can be used as a reference and guidance if one wants to monitor grief and bereavement process (Refer to Kubler-Ross Grief cycle). However, going through the process is TOTALLY a different game. It is a roller coaster ride minus the exhilirating feeling. There is no “thrill” in grief and bereavement process.

My father passed away in 2009 and my mother passed away in 2017. I was in my second year of PhD when my father passed away. Upon receiving the news from my eldest sister that he was hospitalised (due to subdural hemorrhage), I went back immediately from the UK to Malaysia. Even though I went through an “episode” after I went back to the UK after a month in Malaysia, but with therapy sessions and whatsnot did help me to ease the “journey”.

When my mother passed away in 2017, I had the privilege to notice the gradual decline of her physical health. In fact, I slept with her a few hours before she passed away around 11am. I did not slept the whole night because I witnessed her inconsistent labored breath as she sweat profusely. Sometimes she appeared to be lucid but there were times when she spoke incoherently. At one point, she smiled as she pointed to something only she could see and said, “Who is that?”. I stared at the wall but couldn’t see anything. I felt goosebumps. At that time, there were my eldest brother, my mother and I at home. But knowing how my brother would react, I did not wake him up. Upon receiving a call from my eldest sister, only then he knew that my mother was in her final moment. He went in the bedroom for a while and said “Mak ok kan?” and left me alone with my mother. I was too numb to say anything back because I know I can only rely on Allah no matter what.

I let the rest of my siblings knew about her condition and kept them updated about her progress through WhatsApp. My eldest sis was in Desaru and she managed to arrive at home around 7am. My other sister who stayed nearby arrived a few minutes before Subh prayer. My other brother who lives in KL rushed back but arrived a few minutes after my mother passed away.

In both cases (my late father and mother), I could see the progression before they passed away, therefore I suppose I was better prepared to accept their passing. However, when I lost my eldest brother in early June (the brother that was at home when my mother was dying), I was unprepared because, unlike my parents, I had not seen his decline. Most of all, I would never think (and wish) that my family member would be discovered in the most unthinkable way like we might commonly hear from the news. In the news, it is frequent to hear about persons who died alone and were discovered in a “certain state”. We didn’t know exactly when he died until now. He was believed to have died three to four days before we found him.

Honestly, all of my siblings are affected by this incident in different way. For my eldest sister, she could not enter my late brother’s house without being accompanied by other (i.e. either me or her husband). It is understandable. After all, she was the first person to discover him. I could vividly remember her screaming hysterically calling her husband. When she saw me coming out from my room, she just screamed “Abang dah tak ada. Abang dah tak ada”. Even though my late brother was younger than her, the term Abang is used to refer him (almost exclusively).

That day, I got the flu. I had just taken some medication and was drowsy when I heard my sister cry, and at first I had no idea what she was saying. “Abang dah tak ada?”, but I did not ask further and wait for her to explain. I took the spare keys to his home and went to see him without thinking that he was not alive.

Even before I entered his house, I detected a “weird” odor. As I walked closer to his house, the smell became more distinct. When I opened the front door of his house, the smell was overwhelming. Fortunately, my nose was a bit blocked due to the flu, but I could still smell decaying flesh. I walked carefully approaching his body. I could see his physique, but I wondered, “Is it him?” I couldn’t recognize him. This wasn’t him. I was in denial. I spotted the old large scar on his back, and it wasn’t until then that I realized the body in front of me was his.

What an honor….

It’s been a long since I’ve posted anything here. I was preoccupied, and an unexpected family tragedy in June left me feeling numb. Writing a blog is therapeutic for me.

One of my colleagues informed me that a highly respected academician whom I admire (aka Prof Dr Abdul Karim Alias) had asked her to send me a message. Me? Does this individual know me? Really? I was in disbelief until today. A tiny anchovy like me would never imagine of being recognised by someone like him.

Additionally, my colleague said to me “I got this message from him. I will send it to your WhatsApp”

Please share my blog with her:

Note: I am such a stalker. So, I already “stalk” Prof Karim from his blog (other than Facebook).

COVID-19: Bukan salah penyelia tidak menyelia

Setiap semester, pastinya akan ada pelajar unik yang melaksanakan penyelidikan. Semester ini, ada seorang pelajar yang merancang melakukan penyelidikan kuantitatif dan bab 1 dan 3 yang ditulis menerangkan perancangannya. Akan tetapi, bila diteliti bab 4, muncul dapatan dari data kualitatif yang diperolehi dari temubual. Ajaib!

Bila aku lihat kekerapan dia menghantar bab untuk disemak, hanya dua kali sepanjang satu semester. Aku menyemak kembali peringatan yang aku berikan kepadanya setiap minggu melalui WhatsApp yang amat jarang dibalas. Hanya pada minggu ke 11, baru muncul mesej meminta aku menyemak instrumen kajian yang baru diperbaiki meskipun aku telah menyuruhnya berulang kali untuk membetulkan instrumen tersebut.

Bila aku menyemak kembali log dalam GoogleDrive, aku akan memulangkan kerjanya dalam masa sehari. Sekiranya dia menghantar pembetulan yang minima(setakat membetulkan ejaan), aku akan memberikan komen dalam WhatsApp sahaja. Pada 23 Disember 2021, dia ada menghantar bab yang kononnya ingin disemak tetapi bila aku teliti, ada bahagian yang belum ditulis: kajian rintis. Aku memberitahunya dia perlu melengkapkan bab 3 dengan memasukkan bahagian kajian rintisnya. Dia mengambil masa sebulan untuk menambah bahagian itu sahaja.

Pelajar ini memang unik kerana proses penyeliaannya seperti drama yang penuh misteri yang tiada penghujung. Ada sahaja masalah yang dihadapi. Semua jenis masalah yang aku rasa seorang pelajar akan hadapi, dia menghadapi semua masalah tersebut (sekiranya aku boleh kategorikan tema alasan masalah yang dihadapinya, aku boleh kategorikannya kepada kategori: 1) masalah teknikal, 2) masalah kesihatan, 3) mencari masalah yang sepatutnya dielakkan).

Antara contoh keunikan yang ada padanya ialah: Pada hari sepatutnya dia menghantar RS2 (tesis sarjana) pada 4 Februari 2022, dia melangsungkan perkahwinannya dan laptopnya tidak berfungsi. Dia merupakan pelajar pertama yang memberikan kelonggaran kepada dirinya sendiri untuk menghantar RS2 lewat seminggu (11 Februari 2022). Dalam kepala aku muncul kata-kata dalam iklan Panadol “Anda rasa saya ada masa untuk sakit kepala?”

Kaedah memberi sumbangan

7 Muharram 1442H

Firman Allah SWT:

قُلْ أَنفِقُوا طَوْعًا أَوْ كَرْهًا لَّن يُتَقَبَّلَ مِنكُمْ ۖ إِنَّكُمْ كُنتُمْ قَوْمًا فَاسِقِينَ [التوبة : 53]

Ertinya: “Katakanlah: “Dermakanlah harta kamu sama ada dengan sukarela atau kerana terpaksa, tidak sekali-kali akan diterima daripada kamu, (kerana) sesungguhnya kamu adalah orang-orang yang fasik.” (Surah At-Taubah: 53)

Keterangan Ayat:

1. Sebab turun ayat: Ketika orang munafik ingkar untuk keluar berjihad bersama Rasulullah SAW dan mereka hanya ingin memberi sumbangan harta!

2. Allah SWT tidak akan menerima sumbangan mereka! Sama ada mereka memberikan sumbangan secara sukarela atau terpaksa!

3. Sumbangan mereka tidak diterima kerana mereka adalah orang yang fasik! Mereka tidak beriman dan tidak taat kepada perintah Allah!

Rujukan tafsir: At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Kathir dll.

Antara Petunjuk Ayat:

1. Tidak semua sumbangan harta diterima oleh Allah! Hanya sumbangan yang cukup syarat sahaja yang diterima!

2. Sumbangan orang munafik tidak diterima oleh Allah! Mereka ragu-ragu kepada agama Allah! Mereka melanggar perintah Allah!

3. Sumbangan harta yang diterima oleh Allah SWT adalah sumbangan yang diberikan dengan keimanan dan keikhlasan!

Kaedah Beramal:

1. Hendaklah kita memberi sumbangan dengan mengikut perintah Allah! Bukan dengan melanggar perintah!

2. Hendaklah kita menjadi orang yang yakin kepada agama Allah dan tidak melanggar perintah Allah!

3. Hendaklah kita memberi sumbangan dengan keimanan dan keikhlasan! Bukan dengan kekufuran dan kefasikan!

Ya Allah jadikanlah kami orang yang memberi sumbangan dengan keimanan dan keikhlasan, terimalah amalan kami. Aamiin.

Using Collaborative Tools and Gamification in my class (2019): SPPP 1012 Educational Psychology

I learned about Gamification back in 2016.  But, I was really struggling back then to learn using online assessment such as Kahoot!, Quizziz and others.   For my class note, I struggle to use Padlet and Prezi.

But, I challenge myself to improve my teaching to incorporate online assessment and also more interactive class notes in my class.  After all, the quiz in Kahoot! or Quizziz has this interactive features that I could not provide if I use paper-and-pencil test.  For my class notes, I find that Prezi has this unique features.  It is almost like a game in itself as students can choose to pick which bubble that they want to uncover first.

I first came across Kahoot! in my Educational Psychology class from one of the group presentations by my SPPP 1012 Educational Psychology students back in 2016.  Yep.  I learned about Kahoot! from them.  Not long after that, I attended a workshop about gamification.  Only then I learn more about gamification and various types of online assessments.

Since then, I have started to create quizzes using Kahoot! or Quizziz.   Here are some of the quizzes that I use in my class.

Using Collaborative Tools and Gamification in my class (2019): MPPU1024 Research Methodology in Education

I learned about Gamification back in 2016.  But, I was really struggling back then to learn using online assessment such as Kahoot!, Quizziz and others.   For my class note, I struggle to use Padlet and Prezi.

But, I challenge myself to improve my teaching to incorporate online assessment and also more interactive class notes in my class.  After all, the quiz in Kahoot! or Quizziz has this interactive features that I could not provide if I use paper-and-pencil test.  For my class notes, I find that Prezi has this unique features.  It is almost like a game in itself as students can choose to pick which bubble that they want to uncover first.

Here are some of the class notes that I have used several semesters but I only recently converted it into Prezi notes (pssstt… I paid USD60 for Prezi annual fees) to have more choices of interactive settings.

Here are some of the quizzes that I have used over several semesters.  There are other quizzes that I set as private because it might relate to certain articles that I use in class.  The ones that I list here are generic version.

For MPPU1024 Research Methodology in Education, here are some of the quizzes that students can take

FSSSH Free Meal and Free Market programme 2019

9 December 2019 (Monday).  It was the final day for our Free Meal and Free Market programme for this semester.  It has been 48 weeks since it was launched back in 2016 (errr, not officially launched though :D)  and around 5000 students were benefited with the free meal.  How time flies!

Harian Metro, 10 Disember 2019

But this time around, we ended it with a bang.  Yup.  The newly elected Dean, Prof Zaidatun Tasir invited the press to come and you can know more about our programme HERE.