Oh my Padlet: Part 3

This is week 12. How time flies! Indeed. With ramadhan and Eid Adha, it seems that time passes by like a blink of eyes. Like last semester, I use Padlet extensively but unlike last semester, in which I did not explain much about why I use Padlet in my teaching, this time around I explained it to students earlier this semester i.e. first class and I also showed some examples of students’ work and class activities on Padlet pages.

Some students find Padlet as a new thing so, some are struggling to use it. When I gave an example of Padlet page, one student accidentally deleted some posts by previous students. Well, it is my mistake because I should change the setting first before sharing with the current students. But, I learn something from this incident.

Of course, the student was panicking but I told her, “Things happen. So, don’t worry. I have already evaluated the previous students but please make sure that when you want to copy-paste anything, don’t delete anything of the original post”.

There are many pages of Padlet that I have created since last year and I think it is worth to subscribe Padlet (as long as it is still affordable – tongue in cheek remark).

One example of Padlet pages that I created last semester for my MPPU1024 Research Methodology in Education class was this.

An incident like this really makes my day….

I had a blast yesterday during research methodology class. We were discussing about sampling designs. Then at the end of the class after the reflective activity, one student innocently asked “Dr, if I answer my own questionnaire, can or not?” I looked at him in disbelief. We just discussed about random sampling and non random sampling. If you create your own questionnaire and you answer it yourself, what’s the point of doing quantitative research?
Some of students in the class also looked at him in disbelief. Then some of them started to argue among themselves if it is ethical to do so. I just looked at him for a few seconds before replying “Well, you have heard some of your friends are discussing about the ethical issue if you are doing that. My response is, what is the point of doing a quantitative research if you are the researcher cum respondent? It is against the philosophical paradigms of quantitative research that we have discussed before and it is unethical“.
Looking at me sheepishly he replied “I thought it is ok to do so because if my samples are teachers, since I am also a teacher, I can also answer my questionnaire“. I rest my case hearing such an honest confession. To end our class I gave them a little reminder “If I know that any of you do that when you conduct your research, you are doom
On my way out from the class, one of the students decided to walk with me. We had a quick chat. She told me “Dr, I am interested to do an Action research.  I am teaching MUET at Matriculation Centre.  One more thing,  I know Zahir.   Zahir told me to take your class“.
At this moment, should I feel flattered or scared? I don’t want to think about that. One thing for sure, I got the usual symptom since yesterday. A symptom to indicate that I am feeling stressful. Am I becoming more sensitive as I become older?

Domestic cats know their names

My cats, Robyn and Batman know their names.  But Robyn rarely will reply back when I call her name.  Batman would always reply back by meowing loudly.  I miss him badly.  Every time I come back home, without fail (unless he is asleep inside the house), the moment he saw my car, he would run and start to meowing to welcome me back.  Such moment would be something that I miss now since he went missing.  Robyn is such a princess.  She would only meow when I pet her.  Not when I call her name.  A research which has been published in Nature found that domestic cats know their names.  Indeed

This is Robyn

This is Batman