
I heard the news that he was sick on the way to KL on Sunday (21 April 2019).  At first, I was not aware of the news because I was fasting and had a Personality Psychology class that day.  A busy day for me.  

When he was warded, I was contemplating to pay him a visit.  But upon request of his wife to have limited visits, I just pray for his well-being.  I know that he needs his rest.  I keep updated of any news about him via Whatsapp messages.  Alhamdulillah, when I saw he started to send messages on Whatsapp, I know that he is getting any better.

I pray May Allah Give our Dean, Prof Dr Muhammad Sukri Bin Saud a speedy recovery and ease anything that needs to be done for his recuperation.  




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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.