Are we rebellious by nature?

I am in a midst of crafting assignments for my next semester class.  Yup.  I had enough of people taking my class assignment instructions and use them without proper credit, so I decide to change mine.  Well, this is in line with the curriculum review.

As I was googling stuff over the internet, I have problems to decide on a theme.  Yup.  My assignments have themes, y’all.  I will teach human development class next semester.   I have some ideas in my mind but I haven’t decided which will be one that I would use in my class.  While browsing for articles (yup, my class activity would involve reading articles.  If it is not journal articles, it would be something similar.  Perhaps a layman-version-research-based articles such as what they publish in Psychology Today), I came across this article about rebellious angst among teens.   

Note: When I took this picture in Venice, I was not a teenager but in my early 30s.  But looking at the signage post of “Do not sit here please” prompted me to sit beside the signage and strike a pose.  😀  Perhaps I still have the teenage angst in me somewhere that would be displayed when the right time comes.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.