E-content: Future Ready Educators

One of the things that I notice after I came back from my Latihan Ikhtisas is the implementation of TES and TESDCP.  Well, it is all related to the changes that happened when I was not in UTM last year.   Some of my colleagues are lamenting about it.  Some of them are really looking forward to retire early.   

Me?  I feel that whether I like it or not, it is something that I have to do.  So, I just bear with it the best I could.  That’s what I am doing now.  In searching and researching a sense of purpose, I look back on what I have done so far.  A long chat with my friend enlightens me.  

So, I think for now, I will take one thing at a time.  Small steady step.  No rush.  

When I was assigned to handle a session on Research Methodology for Remote Supervision PhD students, I told my partner that we should use Prezi for our notes.  Due to time constraint, I only managed to prepare mine, and not able to convert her slides into Prezi.  One of my senior colleagues aka The Coordinator asked us to give him the notes because he wants to document it, my partner and I decided to give the Prezi link instead.  😀 

HERE is the link on Introduction to Qualitative Research Design.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.