la Résistance


Takde yang pdf ke

Yang ni tak reti nak guna la

That’s the message that I received from one of my senior colleagues who seems to baffle a bit when I gave him Prezi link.  

I am a novice Prezi user.  But, in line with the implementation of Future Ready Educators practice in UTM, I have no choice other than “transforming” my notes to Prezi.  It is my baby step.  Prezi can be converted into PDF but it does not look nice.  I don’t like it.   So, I would rather give the link so the users can have interactive slides.  They can skip any subtopic or can look at any subtopic that they want with ease.  Powerpoint has similar feature yet it is does not have any direct link like Prezi.

I guess, since the E-content is new, people are struggling to adjust to it.  Like the OBE.  I still remember back in 2011, when I attended the course on OBE, I was motivated to “practice” preparing the Course Assessment Report (CAR) by using OBE.  But, I vividly remember my former HoD said to me when he saw that I was sending the *OBE version report, “Hadijah, just because you attended the OBE workshop, it does not mean that you should use OBE to prepare your report.  You have to do it manually.  I won’t accept this OBE version report“.

I was heartbroken (a bit).  But, here I am facing such challenges again.  I just need to be persistent in this.  I need to adjust to the new requirement as FREE (Future Ready Educators) ASAP.  I am not getting any young so I might need extra time to adjust myself with the new trend.  I will try my best to learn the rope and never give up easily In Sha Allah.  May Allah ease my journey as FREE

[*Note: Who can tell that a year after that incident, it was made compulsory for ALL Of us to use OBE for our CAR.  By this time, I have got use to OBE and I don’t have much problem to navigate the system 😀 ]

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.