What are the differences between TES and TESDCP [Apa beza TES dengan TESDCP?]

I have got several people asking me this question.  I am a novice in filling in TES and TESDCP.  Here are some differences that I summarise in a table form (based on my own understanding).  

Differences  between TES and TESDCP
1) It contains elements that would entitle you to get 5% bonus mark for your ELPPT i.e. e-content 1) It is your 20% ELPPT evaluation under the category of “Pengajaran [or Teaching]”

* This is why it is important for you to take this seriously regardless of your DCP track.  Teaching is our core business even though you choose Research Track.

2) No indicator of compliance [it is as if it is not compulsory for you to fill in the e-content]

*The total bonus marks that you can get for e-content are 5 marks (based on the rubric, to get 5 marks, you need to link variety of teaching and learning materials that you have created in a form of gamification, learning management system, MOOC, ODL and so forth.  If you don’t fill in the e-content, there is no SUBMIT button that you need to click unlike TESDCP.  So, it means that as if it is not compulsory for you to fill in the e-content.  But, it is better if you fill in the e-content to get the bonus marks for your ELPPT.

2)There is an indicator of compliance of your yearly validation [with Green status]

*Don’t submit your TESDCP for evaluation UNTIL all of the categories are stated as GREEN status.  Red status means that you do not provide sufficient evidences yet.

3) Under Akademik category on your UTM Staff Portal

*Once you log in to your UTM Staff Portal, choose Akademik -> Profile Akademik.  On your right side (right side of your device), Click Teaching Excellence System (there is an icon of a board and a man holding a stick pointing to the board).  For more information, go to this page.  

3) Under UTMACAD category on your UTM Staff Portal

* Once you log in to your UTM Staff Portal, choose UTMACAD.  On your left side (left side of your device), Click TESDCP (on the left bottom).


Under Akademik category on your UTM Staff Portal

Once you log in to your UTM Staff Portal, choose Akademik -> TESDCP (the last category under Akademik.  So, you need to look at the list carefully)

4) There is no SUBMIT button to submit anything that you have linked on the e-content.  To know if you are successful in linking the relevant evidences, you will see a list of e-content materials with reference number. 4) There is  a SUBMIT button to submit your yearly evaluation of your teaching.    See for ACTION button with the word “SUBMIT“.
5) Similar deadline line your ELPPT (31 December) 5) It has specific deadline i.e. for 2019 evaluation, the deadline is on 31 July 2019 (Wednesday).  Extended until 15 August 2019 (Thursday)

*You need to click the button SUBMIT (under the Yearly Evaluation page).  If not, even though your status is GREEN, your TESDCP will not be processed.  Do this at the end of the year, not when you are supposed to fill in some parts of TESDCP for FREE evaluation which has different deadline from ELPPT.  Confused?  Who doesn’t?

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.