Nothing can be stopped from happening with the Blessing from Allah: Part 2

I was surprised that one of my students who is a teacher and super busy with her school matters is willing to come to UTM after school just to help me cleaning my room. I was like “Biar betul?” Her school is opening soon and she has to prepare the classrooms and all.  It is laborious and physically taxing.
Well, the thing is, I just take one thing at a time. The cleaning process is an “on-going” thing at the moment. For me, it is quite pointless to do an extensive cleaning now because sooner or later somebody will come to do maintenance and whatsnot and it will become dirty again.
But, again, it warms my heart when somebody offers her support in any way now. I am truly blessed.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.