A new craze? FaceApp

I did not log in to my FB account for a quite some time.  When I logged in yesterday, I notice that some of my friends’ pictures have changed.  They appeared “older”.  Then I saw the Apps that makes the changes.  Aaah… Face App.  What is it?  Why it becomes such a craze?  Why do people curious about knowing how they look when they are “older”?  It is as if they know for definite that they will live that long to reach that age.  Astagfirullah. 

Well, to be honest, I am really slow when it comes to whatever trending Apps and whatsnot and that is why it is quite a challenge for me to learn developing my class materials using Powtoon, Prezi, Moovly and whatsnot.  I am getting used to using Prezi and I am still struggling to use Powtoon and Moovly.  I don’t know how long should I spend converting my notes in Moovly or Powtoon format.   May Allah guide me in my struggle to be a better Muslim.  


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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.