Academic uproar: Integrity at stake? Don’t exaggerate

I know that there would be bad apples in any organisation.  But you cannot generalise that the whole barrel would be damaged too.  It is true that bad apples could give bad names but there are good apples that you can choose and value.  Integrity is at stake?  Well, it will always be no matter what.  There is no guarantee that life will be smooth sailing and perfect.  

I do admit that sometimes some people might overgeneralise the whole thing.   Based on my own experience, there are seniors who uphold their beliefs on integrity and accountability and show good examples to emulate as role models (uhuk uhuk even though they might not be the “popular” ones).  All in all, things are still under control.  

What matters now is we cannot be too complacent when we see something is not right.  This culture needs to be changed.  If not, well, just wait and see the consequences in which if that is the case, things would be difficult to be rectified.  We are not going to put ourselves in a position that would cost us not only time but also resources.   Like a malignant cancer, even though it is small, we need to remove it ASAP.  If not, it would become metastasis and by that time, only death is the solution.   Don’t let academic integrity to die out starting from small ignored incidences of malignant academic malpractice.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.