Alhamdulillah I missed it

I had an appointment with two students from IIUM who came to UTM to collect some data.  They went to see me in my office around the same time when the monthly engagement was held.  So, I missed this month engagement with Datuk VC.

There are some of the things highlighted by him.  One of them is about going extra miles as a lecturer cum supervisor.  He did mention this in relation to the special student that we have at our school.  The special student?  Yup.   He is my student.  A student who emailed me back in March asking to meet me as soon as when I was free.  At that time when he emailed me, I was at school.  So, sensing his urgency to meet me, I set the time to meet him on the first day I went back to UTM after a year of hiatus (not really a hiatus, but a year of not being at UTM is a hiatus in itself).

I never think about going extra miles will make me famous or to be recognised by the VC.  Nay.  I am just doing my job.  That’s it.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.