An offer they can’t hardly refuse

I taught them last year when they were form 4 when I did Latihan Ikhtisas.  Now, they are form 5 taking SPM.  Last year, when I offered them an external reward (using operant conditioning principle), only three of them got the reward.  This time around, I also make the same offer.  But, of course, it would be slightly different from last year.

Seeing the empty page with only “Target SPM” written, I bet they are thinking very carefully about it.  I know perhaps all of them are thinking how on earth they can achieve the target that they set for themselves.  I want to instill self-belief in them.  It is not easy to do so but I am doing my best here to help.

I went to school today.  Like what I have expected (based on previous experience), only the girls did the homework that I gave two weeks ago.  How time flies!  The second tuition would be this coming Friday.  Ita asked me what we should bring for them (another external reward).  I was thinking buying the biscuits that I bought for the teachers so they can eat that during the break.  They are 43 students.  So, a packet or two of biscuits won’t be enough for everybody.   Let’s see how it goes.  We plan to do summary activity.  I need to find some examples and make copy for both class.   I guess the SUB printing shop would be opened a bit late since tomorrow, we are going to have gotong-royong.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.