Bengkel Laman Peribadi

Just to remind myself on how to use this website, I put the instructions here for my reference and others who might need it

  1. Go to your own name
    1. You will only see the “existing” webpage.
    2. You cannot edit anything here.
  2. To log in and edit the webpage, go to your own name/wp-login.php
  3. You will  be directed to a page where you need to key in your name and password (the one similar with your formal UTM email and password for email).
  4. You will reach to the page where you can start editing your webpage.

How to edit the page

  1.  Click Pages (with 2 paper pages icon)
  2. Fill in the information that you want to write on your webpage
  3. You can change the fonts, add pictures/images or link
  4. After you finish your work, please Click Publish (the blue button on the right) if you want it to appear in your webpage.  If you just want to save unfinished work, Click Save Draft (the grey button on the right corner, on the left side of preview).   If you want to preview of your work, Click Preview.

How to edit a post.

  1. Click Posts (with thumb pin icon)
  2. Fill in the information that you want to write on your post
  3. You can change the fonts, add pictures/images or link
  4. After you finish your work, please Click Publish (the blue button on the right) if you want it to appear in your webpage.  If you just want to save unfinished work, Click Save Draft (the grey button on the right corner, on the left side of preview).   If you want to preview of your work, Click Preview.

If you want to know more information, you can download some handouts from here

Go to Webometrics UTM and check out the handouts to know more about it!

P.S: No more excuse not to update your personal profile 😛