Getting 5 marks for e-content materials

It is a bit cliché to say that “Just do your best to create teaching materials for your class”. Well, everybody aims that but the real thing is, how far we are engaging students in learning process with the materials that we give or with the instruction that we give?

I never get full marks. That is the fact. But I never aim to get full marks when I create or craft my teaching materials for my students. It is just that when people ask me about “how to get 5 marks” for ELPPT bonus, I feel sad because I could not help them much in this thing.

But nevertheless, even though it is stated that the materials should be interactive yada yada yada, I do not know what it means. I am a bit slow in this but for this semester, one of the experiments that I do to improve my teaching is to use Padlet as a platform for students to showcase their presentation as well as discuss about the topic of presentation using asynchronous mode since some of them have to share devices and there are many of them have internet accessibility issues.

This is the example from one of my classes – CLICK. This is not considered as e-content.

Why does it not being considered as e-content?

ONE: Padlet is only used as a platform to collect and share students’ assignment. There is no interaction UNLESS we give an EXTRA instruction in which they have to give feedback on each assignment which is showcased in the Padlet. I did not do that. So, it is not considered as e-content.

TWO: The instruction given is too generic. You have to be more detail in giving the instruction. How to do this? First, think about “What is the thing that you want to accomplish – Is it students’ interaction? Is it just sharing information? Second, use simple, compact and concise wording. This is the most challenging part, for me personally. I am struggling with this. What I normally do is, I will brainstorm with another colleague how to rephrase the instruction. Sometimes, to have another person to brainstorm ideas is better than doing it alone. I am blessed to have such colleagues around me even though there are just a handful of them. Well, they are the best. It is most important. Quality. Not quantity.

Poster… poster….

I gave my students an assignment to create an infographic poster.   Wow… I am really impressed with them.  They use Adobe, Canva and so many other apps and software.  Me?  I only know how to use Canva but those who have seen my posters, they know that I need to improve and upgrade my skills and techniques.  I have a long way to go.  Indeed.

These students?  They belong to a different league.  It is hard to choose which the best.  I have my favorite though (tongue in cheek remark).  But I let them to vote two posters (not their own).  The criteria of evaluation: 1) accuracy of information, 2) interesting design/color, 3) attractive (the Wow factor).

Here are the posters (not rank into any specific order):

The last round robin activity for this semester

It is never my intention to torture my students with Round Robin activity this semester which I conducted more than twice.  But, the thing is they are future teachers.  I hope through experiential learning, they would remember how they go through the process of this activity.  Hope they would store the information in procedural memory and episodic memory (there are steps involved that they have to go through i.e. relate to procedural memory as well as event where they go through i.e. related to the activity itself).


Please ignore the way they dress. After all, they are TEASLIAN. As you can see, they might have resemblance with LA lecturers too who teach them. An example of modelling (social learning) by Bandura in action. Indeed

New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI) Active learning: Using Round robin – Method 2

For my undergraduate class, I have large class (more than 50 students) with a normal size classroom.  So, it is quite challenging to conduct round robin activity if they sit in their seats like this example.  It is something that I can envision in my dream only.   

What I have to do is to improvise.  Rather than having them to stay put in their seats and divide them into groups and each member in a group share their ideas, what I do is I group them into several groups with minimum 5 members in each group (59/12 group = 5 members each more or less). 

How to conduct round robin activity?


  1. Think about a topic that you want to discuss.
  2. Decide on the amount of questions or topics you would like to be discussed.  In my case, with 12 groups, I have 3-4 questions and thus, there will be  some groups with similar questions.  In this case, I want to have a variety of ideas from different groups.   Note: I give each group a mahjung paper and marker pens.  They have to write their ideas in a poster format (using point form)
  3. Set a timer for the group discussion.  I set 30 minutes for this activity.  Since the class is a bit small, I allow them to go outside the classroom so that they can prepare their poster using mahjung paper.
  4. After they have finished their poster, I ask them to post their poster on the wall.  Each group has to stay near to their poster.
  5. They present their ideas by taking turn.  So, rather than allowing them to move around (it can become uncontrollable), every student would present at their own station (the wall where they post their poster becomes their station).  Other students have to listen and they are allowed to ask any question to the presenting group.

Some students have to sit on the floor inside the classroom. The LCD screen projected questions that I posed.

Some students have to go outside where there are chairs and tables. Each group occupied one table with 6 chairs

Each group picked a corner/wall and posted their poster [mahjung paper]. They took turn to present their ideas.

For bigger wall, students can post more than 2 posters.

To present their ideas to others, you can also do this.

  1. If you don’t mind to have students to move around (this could be a bit noisy), you can ask each member to select one person to stay at their station while the rest will go around to other station.
  2. The one left behind is assigned to be the presenter.  So, when other group members visit each station, the one who left behind has to present/explain what his/her group ideas to the visitors.


Asas Pedagogi [Fundamental pedagogy]

On my TESDECP, I realise that there are courses that I will teach for next semester.  Wow.  That is early.  So, I will teach Fundamental Pedagogy [Asas Pedagogi].  I notice that I will get two sections, but none is TEASL group. 

How do I know?  Well, looking at the number of students, I can tell it is from different programme.  I guess it would be either SPPS (sports science) or SPPJ (technical and vocational group).  I think I want to request to change one of the sections to TEASL group.  Why?  I am thinking that it might be more relevant for me to teach them how to create the daily lesson plan (Rancangan Pengajaran Harian).  I also have a template that I can share with them.  If I don’t teach them, I don’t have opportunity to share my Latihan Ikhtisas experience with them, right?  What is the purpose of having me to undergo Latihan Ikhisas and yet I cannot share what I learn and gain with the students?   I think I will request it later on.