COVID-19: 7am to 7pm

I bought a tablet. After contemplating for a year, I decided to get a tablet with a pen that I can use to write . Like always, I used one of my postgraduate students as my guinea pig. I already commented her proposal but I want to use the pen. So I scribbled new comments, drew an arrow here and there to show my points.

But one of the things that I noticed on the first day I bought the tablet was it turned into a sleep mode after 7pm and only can be switched on back at 7am. It is like I can only use the tab for 12 hours!!!. This continued for nearly a week. I tried my best to change the setting but to no avail. It did not work. So I decided to go to the service centre, and got things fixed. Alhamdulillah. It can be switched on after 7pm.

I shared my experience with some friends. Some even joked “The tablet is smart because it wants you to have a work-life balance. No more work after 7pm“. Yeah, right. I am ok if the setting is from 7am to 9pm. Not 7pm. It is too early!

Since I installed basic apps, I do not have any game etc installed. To get myself familiar with the tablet, I wrote this post by using the pen. A small step indeed.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.