COVID-19: FYP supervisor

It was Friday. Even though officially it was my day off but due to the urgency to amend something for the extension of UTMER, I grudgingly prepared the mitigation plan as needed. At first, I did not have any idea on how to simplify the presentation of the mitigation plan. I googled up on the internet and found some examples using PowerPoint. I thought to myself “This is doable”.

While preparing the mitigation plan, I chatted with a junior about a course that we will offer next semester. Since she knew that I was preparing the mitigation plan, we just chatted using Whatsapp. At the same time, I noticed that there were emails coming in – almost non-stop. It was a bit unusual. Normally, I will not get many emails on weekends.

I opened one. Well, it was a former student asking me to be his supervisor. Within another half and hour later, I got similar emails from other students. On top of that I also got messages from some students. Alhamdulillah, not many of this batch have my number.

All in all, guess what? I had more than 10 students asking me to be their final year project (FYP) supervisor. Well, the last time that I had was in 2013. Yup. That was a long time ago. I do not know what is the current practice so I asked around. I asked the course coordinator. She replied: “I will assign them with supervisors from ………….”.

Now, how am I going to break the news to these students? I have to be tactful. So I decided to create a simple poster.


Some of them replied back. Well, I did not expect that they would reply my email back. Here are some of their responses:

Student A: Ah that’s okay Dr. Your response is very cute and heartwarming hahaha

Student B: Noted, Dr. Thank you for the reply, I’m glad that I had the chance to take your classes before. Have a good day, Dr. 

Student C: I adore your effort in creating the e-poster, Dr. It somehow makes me feel special and appreciated. Thank you too for your prompt reply to my inquiry, Dr Hadijah. I clearly understand your email, always be safe and healthy Dr <3

Student D:

Noted Dr 


 . Thank you for your response.

Student E: Assalamualaikum & good morning Dr. Hadijah. I understand Dr. I’m quite disheartened you cannot be my supervisor, but having you as my teacher is good enough! Thank you very much Dr. Hadijah and have a nice day ahead! :DD

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.