COVID-19: How to create a meeting using Microsoft Teams?

I know that some of you might be expert users of this. But I create this post as a reminder to myself the steps. Transfer of learning takes time. Even though I have learned how to use WebEx, Zoom and Google Meet (all can be used for online meeting), yet there are specific features which are unique for each provider.

Like WebEx, Microsoft Teams Meeting also has similar function for breakout room, recording and transcription. You can also change the background by adding your institution logo or picture that you like. There are free samples of background that you can use. This feature is similar with Zoom and Google Meet too.

So, what are the differences?

  1. If you have Microsoft live account, you can store it in a folder (don’t ask me how. I need to review the recording of the session to learn this)
  2. You can create a Team (such as for each of the section that you teach) and it is easier to set meetings and also to organize notes, manage your students assignments and such because Microsoft Teams also has a “live” chat feature for the specific group or team that you have created. So, you can minimise using the official ELearning (but I don’t suggest you fully utilize this if you want to make sure your Blended Learning rating is high – tongue in cheek). Google Classroom has similar features like this but if you do not subscribe the premium version for Google, you might have certain limitation.
1. Go to your Microsoft Teams calendar, and click New Meeting
2. You will see three options: 1) Schedule meeting, 2) Webinar and 3) Live event. For normal classes, choose Schedule Meeting.
3. You will see this once you click Schedule Meeting. Fill in the information required (this is similar like WebEx, Zoom or Google Meet). But if you do not have any Team yet, make sure you add the information on Add required attendees. In my case, I have created a team for my masters students so, when I add required attendees, it will appear the email of the student that I already save.
4. This is the final version. You may see the invited attendee(s) of this meeting will appear under the Tracking box. If you forget or do not know the email of someone that you want to invite to this meeting, you can click Copy Link and share the link to the person via others means such as Telegram etc.

How do I know that I have successfully set a meeting with this student?

I am an old lady. So, I asked her via Telegram. She replied by giving me a screen shot.

Zalikha sent me this screen shot. So, I know that she has received the invitation.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.