COVID-19: IUCEL 2021

At first, I was hesitated to participate in this event. Someone reminded me to look at the data that I have accumulated over two semesters (we always share ideas about our teaching practice). What should I do with it? I was thinking that whatever that I was doing at that time was in the experimental phase. I discussed the idea with a junior. She told me that I should give it a go. There is nothing to lose and the cost of the event is affordable (RM250). So, in between classes and whatsnot, I focused on refining my idea. It was not easy but I just set a deadline (my own) and submitted the application.

There was another colleague from SOE who also submitted her application. Alhamdulillah. I was not alone! Then I found out that there was few others who also submitted their application.

It is a baby step for me in exploring and improving my teaching practice. Am I a SOTL practitioner? Let’s say that I am trying my best to be one. I know that I need to document my journey. This is one of it.

I never thought that I would win a Silver Award for this T&L innovation. It is a humbling experience that I will not forget. In sha Allah

Pssstt… there were people asking me why I did not put any other name in this? Well, it is my teaching and learning practice. Unless there are others who collaboratively do similar kind of things in class and we collaboratively work on things together, I think it is unethical and it shows that I am lack of integrity to allow others to “menempel” in my work. I know it is challenging to uphold the true spirit of I.S.E.S. (Integrity, Synergy, Excellence, Sustainability) with so many distractions and temptations but to remind myself, I will ask this question “Kalau sekejap lagi Allah panggil untuk pergi ke alam lain, apakah sanggup aku nak menjawab apa yang aku buat di alam ini?

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.