COVID-19: More workload?

Off lately, I notice that there are so many task forces that I involve in.  There are times when I feel suffocated.  Not in a physical sense.  Emotionally, I feel suffocated.  I try to change my routine.  I come to work as early as I could.  I find that I am able to get more things done when I come early.  But I find it difficult to stay focused after Zuhr, as if my “battery” needs to be recharged.  I try to sleep a bit before Zuhr but often than not, without noticing the time, it is already Zuhr and I miss the chance to have a quick nap.

Since the leaking pipe incident, I admit that it takes me quite a long time to settle down.  Being a nomad for a while certainly gives me a different perspective on certain things but I realise that to get myself adjusted to new routines are not as fluid as before.  Am I getting older?

Sometimes, when I feel too overwhelmed with things, what I would do is to have a priority list of what I should do urgently.  Most of the times even though it is not easy to put certain things under “not urgent” category, I know that I have to be firm in this.  There are times when I say “NO” and can’t hardly remain patient due to indecisiveness of certain people.  Yup.  My patience is running thin.

Yet, I would ask myself “If others are indecisive, what I should do?”  There are times when I ask some seniors what they want from me or what is the direction of a certain task because I just cannot tolerate with indecisiveness any more.

I might be appeared as rude but in this case, I hate the culture of lots-of-talking-yet-doing-less or what I called as “Pung pang, pung pang”.  How I wish I have one solid uninterrupted week!

COVID-19 cases are increasing today (Tuesday, 8 September 2020).  100 cases.   Do I have to work from home again?  Why do I secretly wish that ………. (fill in the blank).

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.