There was a briefing by Dr Nihra about TESDCP. For teaching track, there are several things that we need to fill in the information (plus document if relevant) at different systems such as ELPPT (B6, B7, B9, B10) and RADIS (B11).

There are rubrics too. Looking at the rubrics make me asking myself, “What are the things that I aim for?” Do I really need to care about being penalised i.e. losing marks for not able to provide evidence of my research in teaching? Well, I take a baby step in this case. Conducting a research relating to my teaching practice involves conscious act of revising, replanning, reevaluting and restructuring (it is cyclical process). I know that as a start I need to share my teaching practice to people outside UTM. For this reason, I make sure that I participate (and present) in a relevant conference or exhibition. I did that in June (IUCEL/IIDEL2021) and October 2021 (IQRC2021).

It is in my plan to publish the findings of my action research. But getting comments and whatsnot from people that I met during conferences, I realise that I need another cycle of data collection. But nevertheless, there will be another upcoming conference in December (INCULT2021) and I am preparing a paper for that.

But by that time, I know that I would have only few days to fill in the ELPPT. Well, I will try my best.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.