COVID-19 changes everything. A normal occasion like a wedding has changed to physical (with restricted SOP) and virtual. When one of my friends got married in November 2021, I knew that I might miss the chance to attend her wedding physically. I had a mixed feeling (happy, sad, glad, excited and all) when I saw their faces. Glad that we can finally meet although virtually but it is not the same meeting them physically. The last time I met all of them in Brunei was in early 2017 (Zatul’s wedding). It is nearly five years ago. Now, Zatul is blessed with two children (a boy and a girl).
The last time I met some of them (Arni, Amalina and Kam) was at Lutfi’s wedding in 2018. It was nearly three years ago. How time flies! Zeah and Nurul went to Japan at that time so, I did not meet them at Lutfi’s wedding.
Congrats to Nurul and hubby! In sha Allah we will meet in the near future. Perhaps we should all go to Durham with our special ones this time around.