English tuition 2023…. it’s back!!!

Several students received As on their SPMs this year. The first four are the “usual” ones. The predictable. I am quite pleased of them and their accomplishment. I was a tough taskmaster, especially when it came to the boys. For obvious reasons (no need to elaborate).

Ita stated that after they received their SPM results, they inquired as to why I was not present at school. The truth is that I had something I couldn’t escape at UTM and couldn’t leave. I went to school (without fail) when the SPM results were announced before the pandemic (2019 and 2020). There were a number of causes for this. One of them was that I promised “something” to those who improved their grades (trial and actual results). Given that some of them come from a particular background, a small monetary reward would be very welcomed.

This year 2023 will be my fourth year to be entrusted with teaching tuition class again. Yup. But this year, I’ve decided to try something new. I’ve created a self-exploration board game, notes, questions, and worksheets. Let’s see how things go this year! The students are unique, and I should take the time this year to get to know them better. Unlike last year, I believe I was a little aloof with them. I don’t want to form any attachments with them, but they could tell I had favourites among them. After all, I am a human person.

The student to whom I paid special attention was a little version of myself. A loner, quiet,….. (fill in the blank). She has these features with which I could identify as a younger myself. Looking at her brings back memories of taking SPM more than 20 years ago. It was one of the most difficult moments of my life because of familial issues I was dealing with at the time. But my late mother was a firm believer. She thought that as long as I learn something, I will not fail, regardless of my grades/marks. I miss my mom!

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.