How far can we trust technology? Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay sane while working from home.

Since 12 April 2020, as UTM staff we have to declare our whereabouts on daily basis using this UTM smart app.  It is smart, indeed.

So, where am I?  I am still staying at my home.  In specific, inside my late mom’s room which I have converted as my little office as I have to work from home now.

What can be a possible explanation for this?  It was raining when I slide in for my movement record.  So, there is only one possible explanation that I can think of at the moment.

Note: About the different location between the 12 and 11 April records, well, I slide in outside of my home while playing with my sis’s kitten (at her home) on 12 April and on 11 April, I slide in inside my home while waiting for Isya’ prayer.  1km difference huh?  Indeed.  The distance between my home with my sis’s home is less than 1km.  So, can we trust GPS in this case?


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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.