I am such a softie

I was spring cleaning my office (no picture to show because it is so messy),  I found some of my old masters assignments (sigh.. what was I thinking hoarding these things.  I know right, I should get rid of it). 

Then, to take a break, I checked my FB because I am learning to use Jamboard from one of my friends so, I need to review her class activity using Jamboard and like always, I was diverted to other things and I ended up “exploring” this webpage.  One of the post is about late Mimi.  I have known her since my undergraduate years.  A friendly senior.  She was so humble and care-free even though she spoke fluent English with a tinge of American accent.  I felt envious.  But she never was a snob even though she was one of the best students in our psychology department. 

Fast forward, she messaged me not long after I finished my PhD.  She was finishing her PhD in Clinical Psychology.  Then after that, we kept in touch using FB messages and she invited me to hang out with her when I came to KL for work or leisure purposes.  I never had the chance to honour her invitation.  Not even once.  Then, in 2017, I heard the news of her passing.  I felt numb for days thinking how fragile is our life that we take for granted.  Mimi, reading posts written by others about you in the Psychology@IIUM blog comforts me.  Al-fatihah to you.  May Allah Grant you eternal bliss.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.