IELTS or MUET? What’s the difference?

One of my former students asked me if I had taken IELTS before.  Well, I took IELTS long time ago in 2006 because it was one of the requirement to apply to any UK university.  So, I took it once and it costs RM600 (if I am not mistaken).  But I did lots of “practices” online and using one of my senior’s IELTS book.  

Was it difficult than MUET?  I never took MUET so I can’t make comparison.  But, teaching MUET last year gave me a glimpse on what MUET is all about.  The 4 assessment type are similar like IELTS: Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening.  Both have all of the four types of assessment.  The differences might be minute in terms of the content and duration (how long it will be conducted).  All in all, both assessments are challenging in itself with its unique features.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.