It has been a while since the last time I watched a movie

Since 2011, I never watch any movie at cinema.   I only watch movies at home which means that whatever movie that I watch will be the “off season” movie.  I don’t feel like I miss out anything from not watching the latest movies.  Reading any movie review is good enough for me.

But, things are different for my nieces.  Apparently, one of them subscribes Netflix and thus, she is quite up-to-date with the latest movies and whatsnot.

Here I was, watching a scary movie called “The curse of La Llorona” on second Eid with the rest of the family.  With small kids as young as 2 years old who have started to know “the meaning” of ghosts and whatsnot, my home was loud with screaming and shrieking of all ages.  The oldest person who also watched the movie was my eldest sister.  After a while, she went to her room to have a quick rest.  After all, too much screaming and shrieking tired her out.  

I didn’t even finish watching the movie.  It is too much actions going on and I just feel too tired to be guarded at all times.  It is not worth to watch something to scare myself, don’t you think so? 😀

P.S: The kids who watched the movie ended up sleeping with their parents at night because they were too scared to sleep without their parents.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.