Jering [Archidendron pauciflorum]

Jering or its scientific name, Archidendron pauciflorum is a popular side dish in Southeast Asian region (Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Burma and Brunei).  Personally, I don’t eat any food with unique smell like durian, petai, and jering (included).  It is just personal preference, not related to health condition.   My late dad planted this jering tree more than 30 years ago on the border between his land and the neighbour’s land.  This tree is far from my house but nearer to the neighbour’s house.  So, without fail, whenever there are jering seeds, my neighbour will give us some of the jering.  

I brought some to give to my colleagues last two weeks ago, but not many eat jering.  Today, I got a message from K Im asking me if I still have jering.  Well, my neighbour just gave us some yesterday.  In sha Allah I will bring it to UTM this coming Sunday.  K Im said that she is craving to eat jering with sambal.  There are some recipes that I find which use jering as its ingredient.   But, I never tried any of this recipe.  

There are many medicinal benefits of eating jering, but I find one article stating eating is could cause djenkolism,   There are studies have been done to explore its effect on health.   For those with kidney problem, it is advised not to eat raw/ uncooked jering.  



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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.