Korban: To do it locally or …..

Korban falls under the category of sunnah muakad.  It is obligatory (even though not compulsory or wajib).  Off lately, it becomes a trend to perform korban overseas.  Nothing wrong with that.  But I notice that there were less korban in my village.  Based on my observation, many did it at other places.  This makes me think about the possibility of oversupply or surplus of korban at other places. 

But I do believe that oversupply or surplus or whatever, it is already predestined by Allah to give our rezqi.  So, be grateful and thankful with what we have, regardless of the amount.  I know that some people decide to perform korban overseas because of the price is much cheaper as compared to it is done locally.  In any way, I believe that each of us have different provision and thus, our decision might be based on our current financial standing.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.