Limitation of using old laptop

While using my old Toshiba laptop, I realise that I cannot use Prezi.  Why?  Apparently, regardless of what I do, when I downloaded Google Chrome (latest version) or use different browser such as Firefox, I cannot edit my Prezi due to incompatibility of browser.  To use Prezi, there is a minimum requirement of certain browser that support the application.  Not only that, I also cannot download Telegram to be installed in my Toshiba laptop.  Yup.  Intel Centrino is way too outdated at this point. 

No wonder when I tried several times to install the latest Google Chrome, it cannot be installed properly because I use Intel Centrino for this laptop.  My Dell laptop?  If I send it for repair, it might take me around +7 to 14 working days to get it done.  Meaning, I might get the laptop back just in time when the semester will start in September.  I have so many things to do.  

I have another computer, a desktop which also has problems.  I asked around and one of the technicians said that it could be problem with the memory.  I need to change it to SSD from HD.   I don’t know how long will I have to wait before I can use Prezi again.  Another option that I can think of is going to the the library and use one of its computers.  But it is too open for public though.  But beggar cannot be choosy, I think.  That is the last resort.  Or I can ask Yan to use her computer room.  Yup.  It is still in the same vicinity of my office.  

Alhamdulillah I can still write my without any problem.  So, I guess I can pour out my ideas of what I want to do in the next semester temporarily here and later on I will transfer it at my Prezi or other.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.