Losing my patience?

Students are different.  No doubt about that.  But what I cannot stand the most is the clingy-super-dependent type with a sense of entitlement (I pay the fees so you need to serve me).  With such attitude, anyone can lose their patience any time.

When I went to UK, the Malaysian government had to pay the fees more than what the local students aka Brits has to pay.   But, did I feel that I was more entitled to receive better services?  No.  I never felt that way.  In fact, I feel that I need to work harder because I need to learn as much as I could from among the best people in the field.  My supervisor went to Oxbridge.  Not having the opportunity to go there myself, I feel blessed to have someone who was trained by among the best intellectuals as my supervisor.  His word “I suggest…” is a command that I would oblige without any single question.  Some might say, it is just a suggestion and why do I have to go extra length to do it.  Well, I respect him as my teacher.  I don’t need to wait for him to say “I want you to do this” to take action.

But things are different.  Is it because of our cultural differences?  I don’t have any answer to that.  Yet, based on my observation having a student coming from similar culture like my supervisor does not guarantee that this student will be independent and less clingy.  So, apparently there are similarities of clingy students across cultures.

When I got an email from this student asking me to remind whatever deadlines that this student needs to comply, I was thinking back in my mind “Since when I have become this student’s PA?” Again, it might has something to do with the intention of learning on a first place or the question of “Why”.

When I was a student, I know clearly WHY I should learn.  So, I aligned my intention  on how can I learn the best I could from my teacher/ lecturer/ supervisor.  I would figure out the strategies that I could use to learn the best I could from them.   It is always about myself.  What should I do to learn?  This is the question that I ask myself numerous times.

I don’t expect my students to be self-directed learners.   After all they are not primary nor secondary school students.  I just wish that I could say what one of my mentors used to say to me “Kick your a** before somebody kick yours“.


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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.