Nothing can be stopped from happening with the Blessing from Allah: Part 1

Whatever will happen, will happen. Nothing will stop it from happening.
It is a fact. When I heard the news, my thought is “Alhamdulillah. Ada peluang beli buku baru kalau dapat pampasan dari majikan di atas kerosakan harta benda staf” (What was I thinking at this time?  How naive I was to have such thoughts)
But when I saw some of the books are not mine, my heart sank. Two of the books are priceless possessions of someone. There is no price tag for that. I told her honestly that among the books that cannot be salvaged was hers. Cannot be salvaged because even if it is dry, it will be out of shape and the worst case scenario, you cannot even open the pages. It is stuck to one another. But the good news is one of the books has a latest edition. Perhaps I will get the latest edition later as a replacement in sha Allah. I will try to cut and paste the page (where she wrote the place where she bought the book as a memento) inside the new book. So, at least she has a little thing of her old book inside the new one.  Alhamdulillah, many of my colleagues helped me to salvage any book from the non-stop dripping water.
How bad it was? Well, suffice to say that more than 20 textbooks are really in a bad condition. The water seeped inside and stuck the pages together. I accept the fact that I need to buy new ones for that. It might take years for me to have similar collections again. So, I will take it “one thing at a time”.
What I learn from this incident is, it is really important to look at small damages, cracks or problems. We have complained many times that there is something wrong with that area. But, well, only major thing is rectified. If nothing major ever happens so, nobody really pays attention to check if there is anything worth to be amended.
Retrospectively, we might perceive small things are harmless, less meaningful or not beneficial. But we might forget or overlook the fact that even an atom matters. It has clearly stated in the Quran (examples: verse 4:40, 13:16). Even a small atom has a meaning and accounted. So, I am thankful that it helps me to remind myself “Don’t take things for granted even though it seems insignificant or minuscule aspects of things that happen/exist around me

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.

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