Nothing can be stopped from happening with the Blessing from Allah: Part 3

It has been more than a month since it happened.  At the moment, since the ceiling was replaced yesterday (10 August 2020, Monday), I am starting to do the cleaning process.  Bit by bit.  Yup.  I need to move the old moldy book shelves out (I need to repaint one of the shelves – still can be used as the mold is not that bad).  But the moldy shelve?  Total lost.  The wood is damaged.  It starts to rot.

The smell of rotting wood is what contributes to the current smell of my room.  It will be better sooner or later once I start cleaning.  Alhamdulillah I have Pandanus amaryllifolius  at home.  So, I brought some to my office.  I also bought charcoal and put it inside the office. On top of that, one of my seniors lent me her air ioniser.  I put that as well.  This is my way to get rid of the smell au naturale. 

From the first day since it happened, I try to look at what I can gain from this incident rather than the loss.  It is not about the monetary compensation, but what I can “gain” from this incident is more about what I can do to move on with my life.  There are so many junk that I have been wanting to throw away but I keep on postponing it because I think that I might use it or some of the students have not graduated yet so I need to keep their assignment as evidence.  The incident gives me a valid reason to get rid all of those junks.  Alhamdulillah.  Finally, I am able to get rid of it.  A lot!!!!!

But since that happened, I know that I take quite a long time to start cleaning my room.  For obvious reason, the ceiling has not been replaced.  It is unsafe for me to be in the room, cleaning and whatsnot in which I know there are rodents lurking and overlooking me from the ceiling.  Something might drop from above due to their “movement”.  Well, there are traces of its existence every where.

So, for now, one thing at a time.  Slow but moving.  I will do things according to my pace.

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.