How to add questions in bulk on Elearning?

There are several ways to add questions in bulk. But the one that I have tried is using notepad (text). It is quite straight forward. From the questions that have been vetted (which normally is saved in Words Doc), we just copy-paste the questions from Words Doc file to Notepad.

Step 1

Just make sure your question might appear like the following example. There is no numbering for each question as it will be automatic. Make sure you have the options for answers (A, B, C, D (multiple choice question) or A and B (if it is true/false). Do not forget to write your answer scheme (caps lock)

Example of question:

B F Skinner was one of the pioneers in behaviorism.

A. True
B. False

Step 2

Go to your Elearning

a) Click Setting

b) Choose Question bank

c) Click Import

d) Choose file format -> Click Aiken format

e) Import questions from file -> Drag and drop files here to add them.

Step 3

Double check your questions in Preview.

Step 4

After you have uploaded the questions in bulk, you can create a quiz/final examination and select the questions that you have added in your question bank in the quiz/final examination.

For example: If you have 60 questions in your question bank but for your final examination, you only need 40 questions, just select 40 questions to be added in your final examination.

Elearning berwajah baru bagi sesi 202223

Mulai sesi 202223, semester 1, Elearning di UTM akan berwajah baru disebabkan oleh Moodle dinaik taraf kepada versi yang lebih terkini. Sesi taklimat akan diadakan mulai Oktober 2022 sebanyak tiga kali. Elearning bagi semester dan sesi baru (Semester 1, 2022/23) boleh diakses mulai 3 Oktober 2022 (Isnin). Oleh kerana semester baru akan bermula pada 16 Oktober (bagi kampus JB), terdapat lebih kurang 2 minggu kita boleh menyediakan Elearning bagi kursus yang akan diajar pada semester hadapan.

Quillbot: Paraphrasing tool (Part 2)

I am addicted to use this tool. I have a few things that I need to edit. But knowing how stressful I can be during this period, I know that I might experience writer’s block. So, I set certain timing to check my writing using this paraphrasing including the worksheet that I use for the tuition class.

In addition, I also have to edit an abstract for an article. At first, I thought the word count is around 400-500 words but after looking the instruction written in the template of the article, I noticed that the word count is lesser than that, 200-300 words. I need to delete more than 100 words. It is not easy.

Using Quillbot allows me to shorten the abstract within seconds! This is interesting but I have to be careful that I might be dependent on Quillbot to edit my writing, rather than relying on my actual writing skills.

Quillbot: Paraphrasing tool (Part 1)

One of my friends showed me a tool to check spelling, grammar, and other things. I was excited, but when I found out that the paid version has more features, I was a little unsure. There are a few types of subscriptions that we can choose. But yesterday, as I was struggling to come up with better phrases and words, my friend (you know who I’m talking about!) who happened to be sitting next to me opened up Quillbot. She was able to come up with better phrases and wording in a matter of seconds.

Wow! I was impressed, and without further delay, I took out my credit card and began the subscription process. However, I was unable to complete the transaction. Something is wrong. I informed her that I was unable to complete the process. She did something incredible! I would be eternally grateful to her for her kindness. I began using Quillbot before 8 a.m. today. I used the tool to improve my writing. I used an abstract of my student’s thesis, a personal project, and some previous postings on this blog to get myself familiar with Quillbot.

I am aware that this technology is useful, but how will it assist me enhance my writing skills? (the skills that I possess without relying to any tool).


Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda di dalam satu hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah RA:عَنْ اَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ يَقُوْلُ: سمَعِْتُ رَسُوْلَ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُوْلُ : سَيُصِيْبُ أُمَّتِي دَاءُ اْلأُمَمِ فَقَالُوْا : يَا رَسُوْلَ اللهِ وَمَا دَاءُ اْلأُمَمِ قَالَ : اَلْأَشَروَاْلبَطَرُ وَالتَّكَاثُرُ وَالتَّنَاجُشُ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالتَّبَاغُضُ وَالتَّحَاسُدُ حَتَّى يَكُوْنَ اْلبَغْىُ (رواه الحاكم)

Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu berkata: “Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Umatku akan ditimpa penyakit-penyakit yang pernah menimpa umat-umat dahulu. Sahabat bertanya, “Apakah penyakit-penyakit umat–umat terdahulu itu? Nabi Muhammad SAW menjawab: “Penyakit-penyakit itu adalah terlalu banyak berseronok, terlalu bermewah, menghimpunkan harta sebanyak mungkin, tipu menipu dalam usaha merebut harta benda dunia, saling memarahi, hasut menghasut sehingga menjadi zalim menzalimi antara satu sama lain”. [HR al-Hakim]

I came across this hadith on my friend’s FB page. It caught my eyes. I start to ask myself questions. I have to be mindful about my actions, thoughts and feelings. This is not easy but have to be done.

A therapy

May be an image of 3 people, child and outdoors
A lone ranger. I feel that rather than waiting for anyone to give any instruction, I might as well make myself useful. Quietly, just do my own stuff. I prefer it this way.

I have been having trouble falling asleep lately. This is concerning. I need to take action. So I decided to engage in some physically demanding activities. I bought chipping stones last week and began flattening them on the spot where I normally park my car at home. This is my personal project. On the first day of my little project, I was exhausted and had trouble falling asleep due to muscle aches all over my body. The muscle aches were only temporary. I had no more muscle aches when I finished my small project yesterday. However, doing such physically demanding work allows me to sleep earlier. I need to stick to this routine of exercising or doing something physically taxing every day.

The physical activity I had hoped for was not “that strenuous,” so I returned to my office around 11 a.m. to finish my work. Before I returned home, I received a message from a friend asking me to check my Facebook. Surprisingly, I discovered the photos taken this morning on the faculty’s Facebook page.

May be an image of 2 people, people sitting, headscarf, outdoors and text that says 'FSSHeart UTM THE BEST MAY TO PRED GET IN LIFE WHAT YOU 人 STARTED IS TO QUIT YOUR FUTURE SELF WIL'
Thank you to the photographer for this picture.

Muscle ache or muscle pain?

I had a little project to add chipping stones in front of the house because some parts turn mushy due to rain. To repair the muddiest parts, what I normally do is to add chipping stones with soils. I bought the chipping stones on Saturday, and started to add it to various parts that needed to be repaired. The process was strenuous. I had muscle aches especially on my legs and back. I have to admit that I am not young but still, I am the youngest in the household at the moment.

I was thinking to pay someone to do it, but I do not know anyone who is willing to do such strenuous task. So, I decided to do it by myself. I took lots of breaks, just to make sure that I was not pushing myself too hard. Alhamdulillah, after a few days and sleepless nights, I managed to complete my little project within a week. I will remember the muscle aches that I felt as the aftermath of the little project every time I see someone doing any strenuous job despite rain or shine.

Larangan mempersendakan agama

PROGRAM KEROHANIAN FSSH 2022, SIRI 118: Larangan mempersendakan agama ~ Surah Al anám, Ayat 68-70.

Dan apabila engkau melihat orang-orang yang memperkatakan dengan cara mencaci atau mengejek-ejek ayat-ayat Kami, maka tinggalkanlah mereka sehingga mereka memperkatakan soal yang lain; dan jika engkau dilupakan oleh Syaitan (lalu engkau duduk bersama mereka), maka janganlah engkau duduk lagi bersama-sama kaum yang zalim itu, sesudah engkau mengingati (akan larangan itu). Dan tidak ada tanggungjawab sedikit pun atas orang yang bertakwa terhadap dosa mereka akan tetapi (kewajipan mereka ialah) mengingatkan agar mereka bertakwa. Dan jauhkanlah diri daripada orang-orang yang menjadikan agama mereka sebagai permainan dan hiburan, dan mereka pula telah diperdayakan oleh kehidupan dunia dan ingatkanlah (mereka) dengan Al-Qur’an itu supaya tiap-tiap diri (di akhirat kelak) tidak terjerumus (ke dalam azab neraka) dengan sebab apa yang dia telah usahakan (dari perbuatan yang buruk dan keji). Tidak ada baginya pelindung dan tidak juga pemberi syafaat yang lain dari Allah. Dan jika dia hendak menebus (dirinya) dengan segala jenis tebusan, (nescaya tebusan itu) tidak akan diterima daripadanya. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang dijerumuskan (ke dalam azab neraka) dengan sebab apa yang telah mereka usahakan. Bagi mereka disediakan minuman dari air panas yang menggelegak, dan azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, disebabkan mereka kufur ingkar (semasa hidupnya).

Intisari sesi hari ini:

  1. Jangan mempersendakan agama
  2. Jauhi orang yang mempersendakan agama (buat agama sebagai permainan). Jangan berkawan, jangan sokong, jangan “layan” pemikiran yang salah dalam mempersendakan agama. Jangan bergaul rapat dengan mereka kerana sedikit sebanyak, corak atau gaya pemikiran mereka boleh mempengaruhi kita sekiranya kita tidak meletakkan batasan pergaulan dengan mereka.
  3. Sekiranya ada majlis yang mempunyai elemen menpersendakan agama, kita perlu jauhkan diri dari menghadirinya dan sekiranya tidak dapat mengelakkan diri, kita perlu mencuba untuk beredar dengan segera dari majlis tersebut. Contoh: Majlis keramaian tetapi ada aktiviti menari dan pergaulan bebas (ini adalah majlis yang mempersendakan agama kerana ada unsur maksiat di dalam majlis tersebut)

Perkara yang termasuk dalam kategori mempersendakan agama:

  1. Makan di khalayak ramai bagi wanita di bulan Ramadhan meskipun mempunyai kebenaran untuk tidak berpuasa kerana uzur yang dibenarkan. Ini adalah ianya boleh mendatangkan fitnah kepada agama Islam secara langsung atau tidak langsung.
  2. Menyambut hari raya dengan makanan dan minuman yang tidak halal kerana ingin menjamu tetamu yang bukan beragama Islam. Seorang Muslim dilarang dalam sepuluh perkara berkaitan dengan arak (hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Anas RA bahawa Rasulallah SAW telah melaknat sepuluh golongan yang terlibat dengan arak: orang yang memerah (memproses) arak, orang yang diminta arak diperah (diproses) untuknya ,orang yang meminumnya , orang yang membawanya, orang yang meminta dibawa arak kepadanya , orang yang memberi (menjamu) minum arak kepada orang lain, orang yang menjual arak, orang yang mendapat hasil daripada arak, orang yang membeli arak ,orang yang meminta dibelikan arak untuknya)
  3. Berpakaian menyerupai lelaki bagi wanita dan sebaliknya. Isu tentang seorang yang menunaikan umrah sebagai seorang lelaki, meskipun dirinya adalah wanita adalah salah satu contoh mempersendakan agama.

Teacher Dr.

Ita messaged me to inform me that the students were asking her if I would come this weekend. “Teacher Ita, Teacher Dr datang ke minggu ni?” Knowing that, I know that I could not say No to them. They are excited to meet me. It is not easy to have students who are as excited as them. Right?

I do not know why they are excited to meet me. It could be because of the junk food that I brought last time (chocolates from UK that my cousin gave me which I do not able to finish). It could be because I pay attention to all their rants and worries. Being an outsider, I could be perceived as someone who they can confide in and someone who is older as their parents, minus the nagging (tongue in cheek remark!).

Even though they usually would say “Teacher, jangan cakap tau dengan cikgu lain” before pouring out their hearts, I would keep some parts to myself (which is personal) but if it is matters related serious issues (such as, creative examples how they bully the juniors without being caught), of course, there is no such thing as teacher-student confidentiality. I would definitely let the school counselor knows about it. The school counselor was shocked that I could get first hand information from the unidentified perpetrators. Well, bullying is serious offense and it can be escalated into criminal acts. So, something needs to be done.

Making a difference in someone’s life is a rare occasion. Most of the time, we might overlook certain parts and thus, miss the chance to make a difference.

I know that my involvement in this little project can be rated as community project and I might be able to contribute to whatever rating and ranking to the faculty, but I think, let’s make this thing as a personal endeavor without any additional agenda. 2in1? Nay. Let’s make it as one on one thingy. Nothing else matters.