Scam? Oh please

I came a bit early today because I was planning to finish my marking.  Finally, the students have submitted their assignments and all so that I can start marking their papers etc.

Around 805am, the land line phone in my office rang.  I was a bit suspicious.  Who on earth will call me this early when I know that half of my colleagues are not even in the office yet.  I just let the phone rang unanswered.  Then, it stopped.  Well, at least it stopped ringing on my phone but there was a phone ringing nearby my office.  Yup.  My next door neighbour’s phone was ringing.  It rang for several minutes before it stopped (well, this neighbour of mine will not come to his office during exam period this early.  That’s his routine since the last few years). 

But then I faintly heard another sound of phone ringing.  It must be one of the few doors neighbour’s phone.  What a heck!  I thought it has stopped (few weeks ago, there was another colleague got this kind of call.  He answered but he was informed that he got some loan etc. and needs to settle certain amount of money to certain bank).  This is clearly a scam.  Beware guys!  This is an example of digital fraud.  There are many cases which might leave traumatic experience to some.  My stance: Stay calm.  Don’t panic.  Know your financial state.  

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.